TMZ has learned ... Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a suspect in a battery domestic violence case. Multiple cop cars from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department showed up at Mayweather's home early this morning. We're told cops received a call at 5:03 AM from Floyd's baby mama, Josie Harris, who claimed the boxer attacked her. Law enforcement sources say police were unable to find Floyd and are now looking to interview him. Cops want to speak to Floyd before determining if they will arrest him. The photo above was taken at one of Floyd's homes in Vegas moments ago. In 2003 Harris accused Mayweather of punching and kicking her inside a Bentley in Vegas. Charges were filed but dismissed in 2005 after Harris testified she lied to cops because she was angry that Floyd had left her for another woman. Story developing... Mayweather trying to put iron bars between him and Pacquiao.....thats all.
He may be a winner inside the ring ...but outside the ring? HE STAY LOSING!!!! He needs to stop fucking around and make this fight happen.The longer he fucks around the more advantage goes to Pacquiao IMO
Once Floyd gets locked away in the comfort of his own cell he needs to grab the nearest bed spread and pull a Valero.
Speaking of Valero, has anyone else seen that commercial where the guy is in Germany and at the end of the commercial he is watching a video on his phone of someone doing tongue push-ups? I think the commercial is for the phone. The guy looks exactly like Valero.
Things like this make me want to go against my general principles of allowing adults to be idiots and suffer the consequences. In cases like this, the greater good of boxing, its fans, and the world, are best served by getting to see Pac vs. PBF. We are OWED that fight after spending BILLIONS on shit PPVs. Think of it like a free slurpee at the gas station after you buy overpriced gas for a year. I am now advocating that authorities in Las Vegas arrest Floyd and charge him with whatever they possibly can. Then the judge, as a condition of some sort of plea deal where he potentially gets community service or something, orders him to participate in a PBF vs. Pac fight on or before March 31, 2011 as repayment to society for his misdeeds and transgressions. Further, I want stipulations that if Floyd loses by decision, he serves something like 2 years in prison. If he loses by KO, a little less (maybe 1 year) because it means he likely did not just throw the fight and coast to a loss. If he wins by KO, 40 hours community service, nothing else. If he wins by decision, 6 months in prison. Sorry, no jab & run tonight. If money, houses, cars, women, glory, pride, fame, and legacy can't motivate Floyd to fucking get in there and fight like a man, then maybe facing time in the slammer will. This is the perfect opportunity for local government to right the wrongs that Floyd has perpetrated on all people, and most specifically on the good denizens of boxing fandom. If all Floyd is going to do for the next few years is beat up women, spend all his money, avoid big fights, and talk shit on youtube - then what is wrong with society usurping just a scant few months of his life for the greater good? It will actually be better for him to sign the fight and train than if he were otherwise unoccupied and simply wearing the gold chains and sniffing out loose women to beat up for the next year. Everybody wins.
All joking aside I think she's just after more money. This is the same b**ch that admitted she lied to the police because she was jealous Floyd was with another woman. Gets caught on camera as a responsible mother downing shots of patron chasing it with crushed ex pills Well all I have to say to that is...Good Luck in court ho!
I don't know... doesn't even sound like the cops believe there's much validity to it. Floyd makes it pretty damn easy to hate on him and even more so lately, so a news release like comes at the perfect time. I don't doubt this fact wasn't lost on Josie Harris, but of course reporters and boxing fans are going to shoot first and ask questions later in light of recent developments.
I wouldn't dismiss the first altercation so fast. Most likely she either received a payoff or maybe even a threat to drop the charges and concoct that story about her being jealous or, like a lot of women who are victims of abuse, she dropped the charges because she thinks she should support her abusive man and that he was just having an off night.
So was Manny Pac on the matter of steroids. If Floyd was held to the same standards him and his fans held others, Floyd would be doing 25-to-Life.
Just like Manny Pac is innocent until proven guilty :scratcher: Not sure what the rest of your post is all about. We're a nation of Laws and not of Men. Until a man is convicted of a crime, he's innocent. (yes, yes, there's a random OJ here and there, but that's unavoidable, unfortunately)
I was alluding to an obscure historical debate which took place on this forum 2000 pages ago. It actually involved very few facts and a lot of horseshit, this debate in question.
You're so earnest, bumbeater! Makes me wonder how you'll handle this place when the fight analysis inevitably switches to talk of shitting on chests and t-bagging KOd opponents.
I will have to re-read Constitution, to see whether The Founding Fathers allowed t-bagging KOd opponents.