Sad news about Ricky. Always was a likeable guy. I think the Pacquiao loss really hurt him deeply. Moreso than the Mayweather fight. Hope he turns himself around.
Yeah, if Ricky doesnt turn his life around he's gonna OD eventually. Mixing alcohol and cocaine is playing Russian Roulette with your heart, and it doesnt help that he's fat. He could end up like Chris Farley.
I can just see it. Frank Bruno had the same problems. These guys get used to massive public adulation, and then it's all gone. He no longer has any reason to stay in shape. So he doesn't. And he let's his bad habits, which used to be merely periodical, become the norm. Now he is fat...all the time. I can see him do a Farley or a Belushi or even just a John Candy. He is just going to keel over some day. He's not a big guy. He can't carry that sort of weight and just keep going.
I was never a massive Hatton fan but respected him for taking on the best challenges around, he is actually underrated these days after the Pacquiao fight. Also saw him fight against Lazcano, it's an atmosphere I'll never forget, unbelievable. Sad to hear about the cocaine and bodybuilder shit, massive fall from grace, I agree with those who said the Pac loss damaged him deeply, his pride was wrecked. Hope he turns it round for his son.
That's a good amount of stuff there, lads, around 100 quid worth, I reckon.... Good to see that Ricky still has the money and can afford it....
It was always clear that the Pac loss REALLY affected him; even in the immediate aftermath he was publically spewing nonsense about how he was 'winning' the second round prior to being put to sleep in centre ring :notallthere: For once I think Irish is absolutely spot on here. Hatton has been an alcoholic as long as he has been an adult but the requirements of his boxing career kept it somewhat in check. Now though, without the check, he is heading down a long and extremely destructive road. Fucking shame...classic case of working class lad getting more money than he could ever need and having absolutely fuck all to do with it. No wonder he won't rule out retirement... MTF
:blackcloud::blackcloud: Brendan Behan, the Irish author and playwright, {he wrote "Borstal Boy", the film version of which featured everyone's favourite West-Ham bellend} described himself as a "drinker with writing problems". That's Hatton. A drinker whose career has been habitually interrupted by periods of training and fighting. Sad. Hattons father Ray was a carpet fitter all his life. He shouldn't have to burden this shite late in life. Shame on the BBC. How dare they engage also in this sensationalist horseshite. How a man sat on his own sofa in his own home asking for privacy and truthful reporting can be accused of an "attack on the media" is beyond me. Hatton now officially in that place that Amy Winehouse wouldn't go....
I always liked Ricky just the way he is--not having a care in the world, barging ahead, living larger than life, making his own way in life....After he's done with rehab, he'll become a boring-ass middle-aged wanker.....I'm not sure rehab is the right thing for him to do. Hatton says he is disgusted with himself....but that he does not have a problem. Ricky, if you don't have a problem, why are you in Rehab? :dunno:
She was just having sex with a cheater. Probably saved his life by revealing his dark side which forced him to get help. Kudos to this woman.
Diaz is deep into the books studying for his exam for entry into law school late this month, and he has only been in the gym sporadically to work on the stairmaster, so I don't think that boxing is a priority for him at this point in his life, and he may have fought his last fight vs. Marquez. Karl
I discuss plenty with fighters in person, unlike you, as all you do is type on message boards (probably a lot of them), living vicariously through the deeds of others.