Spadafora. :: Ironically....if the bastard had stayed fit, active and the fuck out of trouble....he could have made really decent money against bums like Khan.
Floyd's too much of a pussy to fight a guy in the street. You know this. Otherwise he wouldn't roll with SEVEN bodyguards.
What situation is that? Not breaking your balls here, I'm just wondering what justifies bashing a chick in the face.
Don King insists that he can help remedy mayweather jr.'s actions, partially because he "has a PHD in Caucasianism"
When she turns violent. When she is utterly and tee-totally disrespectful. Just for openers........... Women can be vicious, violent thieving scumbags. Same as men.
When do they DESERVE to be hit? Just about everytime they open thier mouths. When SHOULD they be hit? Only in extreme conditions i.e. they attack w/some type of object/weapon.... which happens often.
:::laughing::laughing: Sounds more like to me that after hiring Floyd's BM for some event planning C.J and her hit it off and hooked up. C.J is doing his own damage control so his long time girlfriend doesn't find out about it.
To answer that I found this list of 58 reasons when it's okay to hit a woman. 1. talking too much 2. disagreeing with anything you say 3. burning your food 4. not washing up 5. being on her period 6. being on her period and still coming to see you 7. talking bout other guys....even her dad 8. taking off her make up 9. leaving the kitchen 10. leaving the bedroom 11. refusing a threesome 12. telling you to stop pushing their head down... when they give you head 13. not knowing the offside rule 14. not knowing the offside rule after being told too many times 15.not allowing you to have sex with their mum/sister 16. killing banter 17. out drinking you 18. making stupid baby noises 19. being on either team Jacob or team Edward 20. refusing anal 21. breathing 22. when your football team looses 23. wanting attention during a cod session 24. asking you to make her a cup of tea 25. thinking their in control of the relationship 26. when ur angry and need something to hit 27. when you wanna try out your new kung fu move 28. wearing clothes indoors 29. asking you to go down on her 30. when they fish for compliments 31. when they make you watch chick flicks 32. expecting to get paid for 33. trying to help make this list (foook u becky) 34. having an opinion 35. crying for no fucking reason 36. weighing more than you do 37. calling you a woman/pussy 38. giving you a stupid nickname 39. forgetting to shave 40. not swallowing 41.having a 4 finger bucket 42. taking more than 20 minutes deciding what to wear 43. being taller than you 44. bitching about people you dont even know 45. looking at you funny 46. complaining that she's cold.... wear a hoodie bitch 47. being a feminist 48. asking you to finish her off once ur finished.. 49. calling the police when you hit her...bitch should learn 50. for being a woman.. 51. saying they love you 52. when she is in range 53. When she reads this and wont have sex with you for laughin 54. When she asks to be and admin 55. bitching about facebook groups.... get back in the kitchen 56. when you got 99 problems but a bitch ain't 1 57. Whenever she talks without being questioned 58. when she sends you a friend request.... i don't want to be your friend, but you can go make me a sandwich ONLY REASON TO NOT HIT A WOMAN IN THE FACE... 1. when she's pregnant.....punch her in the stomach
X, you need to find yourself a new class of women. What do you do to make them attack you so often? :: I'd fall in the never hit a woman ever, category............but then again I've never had an angry woman charge me with a broken bottle of bourbon.
Anyone who can't restrain a woman without having to hit her is a giant vagina. There is basically no reason to ever hit a woman, unless your life is in danger.
chicken and the egg argument here 1. don't do anything to make a woman want to hit you in the head with a bottle of bourbon 2. don't associate with a woman who would THINK to hit you in the head with a bottle of bourbon.
Maybe it was Floyd pointing out to her she should drink less bourbon and take better care of her kids?
Ok, so how would you restrain a woman who's advancing on you with a broken bourbon bottle in one hand and a handgun in the other hand? Would you ask her to kindly put down her weapons or would you take more pro-active measures?
No, it's not. However, there's a workaround in such a situation. If a woman is disrespectful, provoke her, by calling her a "fat, ugly cunt" or a "big-assed plug ugly bitch". When she responds by attempting to hit or scratch you, you can lay the bitch out with a few punches and you'll be totally in the clear, as you were exersizing your constituonal right of self-defense.