Does Alvarez look like a Gippo Pikey Irish bastard to you or what? He has to be of Irish extraction, or Scottish. There is just no other way.
We Celts raped and pillaged the entire planet from Newfoundland to China . Their are pockets all over Mexico containing Irish Decendants. I think Alvarez beats Mora btw.
The more that Alvarez and his team could make Mora shrivel down in weight, the much better are his chances. A straight up fight at 154-160, I'd have to take Mora for the time being, until Alvarez can properly grow into that weight (though entirely possible he tops out at welterweight).
Jakeus.....Alvarez is listed as 5'10".....he doesn't look it to me. More like 5'8". He's a smallish welter, no? Maybe it's the weight that makes him look stockier, I don't know.
That's why I mentioned the possibility that he never grows out of welterweight, hence not giving him a great chance to beat Mora in a straight up fight (meaning no catchweight).
Alvarez has thick legs though. Baldomir was supposedly bigger in there, but he looked a little soft, and to me, Alvarez actually looked like the bigger guy.
That's because Baldomir is old, shot and also small for a welterweight and Alvarez IS bigger than Baldy. The only reason it was at a catchweight is because Baldomir can no longer (or perhaps no longer wants to) make 147 but was insisted upon as that next-step opponent for Alvarez.
Alvarez honestly looks too thick and built to carry 147 his whole career, and he's only 20. I'm confident that within a few years he'll grow into a full-fledged jnr middle.