Apparently Angulo is in the U.S. illegally and they're shipping him back south o the border. HBO has already walked out on him.
Could be worse - he could be a rapist or a cheater who puts plaster in his gloves. He'll be fine; he can score knock outs.
It is perverse, to a degree, that a Mexican cheat who is in the country legally should be able to take a lucrative payday, but a non-Cheating Mexican, who is in the country illegally, should be sent home. Send them BOTH HOME. Margarito should have been charged with attempted assault and deported as an undesirable.
somoene explain how Shaw and his manager didn't know. Shaw is an idiot, didn't know he's this much of an idiot.
I am no immigration expert, but I thought that the EASY thing to do was to get some sort of work visa - that you can do quickly. Then people just overstay their visa and stay in the US forever or until they are unlucky enough to get caught. It may take 10 years to apply & be granted citizenship, but Angulo hardly needed that. His whole boxing career will probably fit into one long work visa. It's almost as if he and his team didn't give a shit. Didn't even care. Maybe they thought his high profile would render him unassailable by the authorities that scrutinize the rank & file. Although this seems dumb all around, I am pretty sure he can get cleared to FIGHT in the US, even if it is just one event at a time. Non-citizens fight here all the time, I don't see how Angulo would be any different.
Yeah but the fact he's been deported then came back again illegally...doubt that helps secure a work visa.
No big deal here. HBO can just send fighters to fight Angulo in Mexico. Best part is, they get to pay Angulo in pesos.
Apologies. Didn't know that.'s perverse that a guy who should be in the can for attempted assault is making money. Who the fuck manages these guys that Angulo didn't have his documentos in order?
What site? All I see now is a forum. I guess I must have been a really bad owner all of these years :nono: cupey
You were a good owner for a long time. But you're also very lazy and stopped showing your face around here for a couple of years before you finally handed the site off.