I think It's wrestling. Take that fat slob Conrad Kole. He takes you down and lays on top of you. He doesn't have striking or jiu jitsu yet the fat that he's as big as a planet and knows hot to end up on top of you will win him fights.
It's no secret that the top 5 p4p fighters for the last 5 years or so has been known more for their striking than anything else. Striking I'd say, but it's a balance of striking and ground game.
Not really. GSP has consistently been in the Top 5 and he is far more known for his wrestling and take down defense. Wrestling is the great equalizer in MMA. Stud wrestlers like Sonnen, Maynard, Konrad, etc can make up for a lack of other skills with their wrestling. In my opinion, a wrestling base is quickly become the most important in modern MMA.
Wrong. All 5 top p4p ers are well rounded with excellent ground games. This is why they are dominant.
jiu jitsu is the most important. without big jiu jitsu knowledge.. sonnen, lesnar, gsp, maynard, etc. would get submitted within the first round. from an mma standpoint (meaning you have the bases of all three covered) wrestling is clearly most important. but no good without jiu jitsu.
GSP has great BJJ, that's why he is so dominant. All the top fighters are extremely versed in BJJ with the exception of Lesnar, but the HW division as a whole is pretty weird and underdeveloped.
Give me a fucking break about GSP and Jiu-Jitsu. The dude is a stud because he can't be taken down and he can take down anyone he fights at will. I agree Jiu-Jitsu is important, and I also agree that being well-round is key among the top guys, but a solid wrestling base is far more helpful than a BJJ base. I will go a step further and say more guys with strong wrestling backgrounds have been able to incorporate BJJ into their game. But you rarely see the opposite. You don't see guys like Nog, Penn, Mir, Maia, etc. learning to be great or even good wrestlers as they progress in their careers. Seriously though, I can't let it go, did TLC really say GSP is dominant because of Jiu-Jitsu.
:: yeah Bob is right. He couldnt even apply a proper armbar on hardy. Although Hardy lost, he did make GSP look foolish there. And its clear wrestling is better than BJJ right now. Check out GSP/Serra II. Serra is one of the top BJJ guys in the world and GSP out wrestled him. Many people in the MMA world are actually upset with Wrestling. They think that wrestlers are going to be unbeatable in ten years and should be eliminated from MMA.
I will take it one step further and say that JJJ is superior to BJJ. BJJ is really started to get exposed. I would say that 10 years ago, your primary art could be BJJ and you would do well. Now if all you know is BJJ and no other skill, you will get exposed.
90% of GSP's ground game is BJJ positioning. Just because he doesn't get subs doesn't mean he isn't a dominant BJJ fighter.
Not true at all. 90% of his ground game is wrestling. You think just because he sticks a hook in its BJJ?
Funny thing is watching TUF yesterday, you see him bringing in one of the top wrestlers in the world not BJJ guys.
Just shows how little TLC knows about the sport if he thinks 90% of GSPs ground game is BJJ "positioning".
All I know is GSP is dominant because he has been able to take down guys with great take down defense (i.e. Penn) and not been easily taken down by guys with amazing wrestling (i.e. Hughes, Koscheck). For fuck sake this dude was thinking about trying to make the Canadian Olympic wrestling team and it wasn't because of his amazing Jiu-Jitsu.
JJJ's focus is more standup and self defense. How to defend yourself from any situation. If it goes on the ground fine. But its not focused on it. BJJ is more focused on the ground game. They begin training on the ground and how to position from the ground.
Well roundedness is the most important aspect of MMA. No one technique is going to make a guy a great fighter.
I think it's BJJ because it is. Remind me, what aspect of wrestling involves passing the guard of an opponent laying flat on his back? GSP is not really like a typical wrestler, his wrestling is good in scrambles, but he's pretty much a pure grappler on the mat. Recently he's avoided scrambles just with ground control. High level passes, great sub D and a good guard.
Silva, Fedor, GSP, Machida, Shogun. All except GSP mostly wins their fight standing up, not on the floor. Striking is first and foremost the most important. Thanks to striking Lidell remained unbeaten for a long time, then along came Rampage (a better striker) and took him out.
Well, you are right about Liddell but don't forget that the reason he was able to use his strikes was he had great takedown defense that stemmed from a solid wrestling background. But the game is different now as well from when Liddell owned 205.
And remind me what part of BJJ involves the sick single legs GSP scores in almost every fight he has including Penn, Hardy and Fitch?