:: A PR rep? That isn't journalism, Cupey. Sorry to break it to you. I'm not in a very big market... yet. But I'm young. And damn near 100,000 people watch me on TV every night. Seriously, let's not compare.
A wrote all of their press release. Well almost all. I've seen you writing, stick to radio kid. I've been to Canada, there is nothing to do there but to watch TV. What time does your show come on. Can we see it in the US? Cupey
It's the provincial 6 o'clock news. I doubt it's on in New York. :: I'm a significantly better writer than you are Cupey. You don't seriously believe that writing a press release is journalism, do you? Really?
No. Media in Canada is different than what Americans are used to. I just talk to people and report on what they're saying and doing. I tell stories and keep my opinion to myself.
That's me, Punk, Noble, and TKO. Cupey kept it going for a very long time though. I'm glad he's back.
If your writing is anything similar to what you've sent to FightBeat then being a writer must mean something very different to you. However, cheers for your success on the TV. Will they allow you to put something up on youtube and post it here on a weekly basis? Cupey
Before I started here in TV/Radio, I was a newspaper reporter. I think I can write a little bit. :: I think I sent two or three written pieces to fightbeat... they were all fight previews. And they were well written, especially for a guy barely into his 20s. I seem to remember re-writing all the poorly written articles submitted for you during that time period too. And thanks. I've posted some stories here. I'll see if I can figure something out next week.
Does this mean the mysterious cupey alto will be hanging about for awhile? Dude, it's been awhile. It's nice to see you back on the forum.
Well they were grammatically correct, but that's all I can say about your work as a writer. I'm sure your TV stuff is much better anyway. I look forward to checking out the tube to see you reporting. Always nice to know things are looking up for you and other friends on FightBeat Cupey
What's up bro. Probably. I have to find a balance with this in my life and then take it from there. Cupey