Punk, Godfather, and the rest have done an outstanding job of not regulating the posts on Fightbeat's General Discussion Forum. If "They" truly think they have, God Bless them. Karl
They are certainly better than Texas who sanctioned Holyfield, Margarito, Edwin Valero - who failed a scan in NY and was still licensed in Texas. Texas doesn't even require drug testing for combat sports. Place is a fucking joke, just like it's matchmakers. So until you learn something about boxing go back to matching hillbilly club fighters vs housewives Cupey
"Learn Something about Boxing"???::... REED has FORGOTTEN More about Boxing than YOU'LL Ever Know, T-Rex...On YOUR OWN Site, REED has Wiped his Ass w/your Piss Ant Boxing Thoughts, MORE Times than he Can Count... REED:kidcool:
Translation: cupey kicked my ass twice in this thread, so I will tuck my tail between my head and run for the hills. Well, anyway we've officially killed this thread. Cupey
yeah, THAT'S the problem maybe it is the insultingly fluffy, barely literate cheerleading that you attempt to pass off as "journalism" Hilarious to hear you call anyone a coward with the type of batting practice lobs you throw at whatever C-level fighters will tolerate your shameless ass for 30 seconds
Karl: Today I have an interview with the greatest light heavyweight since Bob Foster. Chris "Hard Hittin" Henry. Chris good to have you here. Remember, today I'm only going to be asking you the tough questions and I want real answers. NO BS. Chris: OK Karl. Shoot Karl: OK. I loved the way you were moving in the ring today. Plus your 62 punch combination was amazing. The way you pivot and then roll while turning your head and making an omelet at the same time is incredible. Do you think Chad Dawson is ducking you? Chris: Well Karl... Karl: I agree with you brother. You would snap his back and quiver his liver. What do you think of the FightBeat forums? Chris: To be honest with you Karl... Karl: Me too. These punks have never boxed a day in their life. The abject cowardice shown by these cyber pencil neck geek punks, keyboard warriors is disrespectful. Karl: I want to invite you to our radio show and to join the FightBeat forums to take part in some spirited discussions with our forum members. Will you accept the offer? Chris: Of course I'll... Karl: Don't even bother. I've canceled everything until the moderators delete all posts and declare Juan Diaz the greatest of all time. Thank you for you time. Next week I'll be interviewing Sugar Ray Robinson and Ingemar Johansson
I'd get rid of the logo on top and put the title in the white area, using black letters instead of white ones. This'll save space and looks better. Don't print an entire article on the home page - provide introductory paragraphs with links to the full story. You should move items on the right to the top, making space for advertising. Can you center it? Everything moves to the left on mine. Provide an option to upload images when submitting articles. Provide a section for videos and photos. You may want to sort it by fighters and/or events. Oh, give the readers the option to choose either mma or boxing. I think that's all I got. <!-- / message -->
I wanted to get back into form LOL Karl is good people. People just have to get used to his style Cupey
I get along great with Karl, but he has threatened to break bones and cripple forum members by slamming their heads into the pavement. It's hard for them to take him seriously after stuff like that and so they bust his balls. The funny part is that when he tries to get serious, it doesn't catch on with people because of the earlier cartoonish threats. They love trying to wind him up. Personally, I think he's a great villain for the forum, but then he gets into the old "I was going to have Chris Henry post here, but you guys ruined it" style of posting which makes him sound like a wet blanket. That stuff gets boring because it just sounds like asking for preferential treatment---which is kinda out there---since he tells people to fly out to wherever and fight him, and if they don't, he calls them cowards. I imagine that sticks in people's heads when they start thinking of things to rattle Karl's cage. Karl is the guy that many forum members love to hate. He shouldn't take any of the stuff seriously. In fact, just the opposite, he should turn up the forum persona a thousand degrees and be Louis "Red" Deutsch as a laugh. Some of the funniest times are when Karl threatens someone and then they turn around and lampoon him.
I remember hearing the Louis "Red" Deutsch tape in '92 or something like that. Amazing stuff. Sounds like Karl to a tee Cupey
You guys are THE BEST! But Tavoris Cloud and Don King want NO PART of Chris "Hurricane" Henry, and that is a fact, Jack! Karl
he's lost twice, quite comprehensively he lacks a single truly notable victory you shill for him because he gave you the time of day if it were a rival 175 pounder instead, you'd be denigrating Henry as a nobody
Forget Henry, Forget Stinger, what about the page? I think it beats Marquez and Soul of Fightbeat, no.
what does henry bring to the table as a foe for cloud? cloud could whip his ass and still get no admiration or recognition. maybe he could fight yusuf mack
It doesn't beat the current design in any way. That's the truth. However, we need something that can be managed by people without to much technical savvy, and this template fits the bill. At the moment you should probably go and make the suggested changes, because 95% of the people in this forum don't even go to the home page. Cupey
Current design is good but it's unmanageable, tech savvy or not. The editing tool is riddled with errors and we've never even seen an overall design template so we can change banners, look of site, navigation and headers. Maybe you created them in Dreamweaver or some other website tool and then uploaded to a server, but we never got a copy of it (I didn't anyway). The main reason it needs to be simplified is because nobody wants to go through the trouble of posting an article up when we do actually get them in.
It's certainly a lot more managing than it should take to do many things. These were all programmed by hand and it would take a programmer to fix it. If the money was there I would write the list of problems and then request someone to bid on the project to make the requested changes. Everything that I have you have. All changes that I made are also done by hand by myself, like fixing articles, editing graphics, and things like that. Whatever I have I handed over. Sorry if that wasn't enough to make it work for you, Sorry. But you can go to a community college and take up programming :fightme::: Cupey
I'll also add that a lot of the errors are dude to changes from php4 to php5. This server uses php5 Cupey
Cupey did you design and program this site by attending Community College? So this site was basically a college assignment? Did you pass the course?
Cupey, you didn't pick up on the fact I reiterated almost word for word the advice you'd given about the front page?