I remember that. It was in the magazines. They were supposed to be showcasing Guthrie against an old, slow, chubby Reggie Johnson---right up until Reggie put him to sleep with a long right hook that didn't look like it had much on it.
Nah...It was a BEAUTIFUL Shot...SHORT, CRISP & ACCURATE... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkB5VYeWg4I REED:hammert:
I don't care how good he was. To pay the guy 120K UP FRONT to put on some boxing clinics seems very fishy.
Johnson was as many put it here a very good middleweight. But by the time he faced Roy Jones he was already a 15 YEAR VETERAN! He faced 2 nobodies after winning the IBF title in 2-years. So how beating a washed up dude like Reggie is some amazing feat of Roy Jones is ridiculous.
Wow, I must be thinking of the wrong fight because I remembered it being Reggie chasing him and then landing the shot as Guthrie was going backwards. My bad.
He has a few good wins. Beating Toney was his best, followed by Ruiz. I like his win over Tarver too because it's the first time he had to fight through adversity and he pulled through like a champ. Cupey
if i recall, toney had very little time training for johnson. he beat nunn for the title and only fought reggie because he was his mandatory. i don't think that was a schooling either. aside from when toney was cleanly knocked down, it was a competitive fight throughout.
If that's the Case, then NONE of Roy's Losses Should B Held Against Him, Since he was a "15 Year Veteran" HIMSELF, Before Being Beaten...Can't Have it BOTH Ways, T-Rex... REED:shit:
They should be put into perspective. Roy only lost when he slipped. But then again, he fought nobodies when he was on top of his game Cupey
many of jones' opponents would've whupped tito. even shot vs. shot, jones dominated your beloved hero.
it was at 168, which jones hadn't made in over a decade or so. yet it was tito who came in heavy. what difference does it make anyhow? jones would've whupped his ass at anyweight.
You got your ass kicked by a punching lawyer. LOL. Tito easily pulled that out and got robbed. Stupid judges. Cupey
They're Only "Nobodies" to a Guys like YOU & DOUB, w/More than a DECADES Worth of Hate & Boxing Ignorance, as it Pertains to Roy Jones...BOTH of U Lame Fucks CREDITED Reggie Johnson in this Very Thread, yet the Very Instant U were REMINDED that Roy Jones Wiped his Ass w/Johnson, YOU & DOUB Immediately Looked to Discredit the Win:shit:... Roy Jones Didn't have a GREAT Resume, Per Se, but it's Grossly UNDERRATED by the Likes of Ya'll....Always has Been.... REED:hammert:
Without contradicting myself, I can praise Reggie Johnson and point out his impressive performance against Toney, at 160, and still discount his worth as an opponent for RJJ. For RJJ, there's one point of reference - that of a multi-million dollar stuper-star, whereas for Johnson, there's another - that of a under-rated fighter who's known not for doing anything great, but for doing more than most expected him to.
If U PRAISE Reggie Johnson, THEN Turn Around & Say "Roy Jones Fought NOBODIES", that's a CLEAR Contradiction... REED:hammert: