Not a surprise. He's a big guy who punches and kicks hard and he's got an excellent ground game, but his fight IQ seems to be pretty low. Take the Schaub fight. He made very little effort to take the fight to the ground. The one successful thing he had going for him standing, leg kicks, he completely abandoned after visibly hurting Schaub. I doubt he makes it back into the UFC.
The dude can leave proud. At least he fought for the UFC HW Championship. And I honestly thought he was going to destroy Couture. After that KO kick of Mirko, I thought Couture might actually get killed in the cage against Gonzaga.
I bet he got cut not because he lost to Shaub but the way he lost. He seemed to just be there going through the motions not even trying at all. It's like he showed up to get paid and not to win. He seems to lost the hunger. Watch him now go to Strikeforce and knock Fedor out with a head kick.
Who do you think is a better gate keeper Gonzaga or Kongo ? If they fought who would you pick? UFC seems to like Kongo more. Probably because they already have like a 1000 Brazilians and Kongo on the other hand is French. So if they do shows in Europe and maybe one day France they can have Kongo on the card..
He lost to the guy that Roy Nelson Ko'd. I think that pretty much tells Dana all he wants to know. If Hamill had lost I think he would have got the ax also.
Man. GG was riding was riding high just 2 yrs ago. In fact he had his own primetime special and all. Cote got released also. 2 fighters with title shots in their last few fights with MASSIVE hype. Now unemployed. I'd like to see Cote in Bellator. Cote vs Lombard would be an instant classic. I hope GG lands on his feet. He is the only ManBearPig in MMA and I miss him already in spite of his recent sh*t performances.
Official now - Out of UFC - Thanks for all your support - back to normal life and BJJ forever This is from GG's twitter. Doesn't seem too optimistic for his fighting career.