Reggie Johnson is Either a GOOD Fighter or he ISN'T...U've ALREADY Stated that U Thought he was a GOOD Fighter, yet U ALTER The Criteria when a "Multi-Million Dollar Superstar" is Brought into the Equation???....That's a CONTRADICTION.... Roy Jones' Status has NO Bearing Whatsoever on Whether Reggie Johnson is a GOOD Fighter or Not...It's NOT as if Johnson had Shown ANY Slippage or Proven to B DIMINISHED Goods, Prior to Facing Roy... REED:hammert:
The Word "Logic" is Looooooooooonger than your Arms, Midget...Please DON'T Pretend to Know ANYTHING about Applying that Word.... REED:hammert:
reggie johnson was a damn good fighter who jones jr made look like NOTHING. he didnt win a single 20 second interval of the entire fight, and was completely dominated. Jones jr. countered johnson with two punches before johnson could even finish throwing 1 in what was one of the more awesome displays in a boxing ring.
Prime Johnson today at 160 beats everybody, including Sergio and Tall bumpkin Williams. He also would have laid a "sweet" ass whuppin on Pavlik.
Indeed! I'd say its far and away the fastest combo ever. Its literally mind blowing how fast Roy threw that combo.
Well if he was slipping, would it have shown fighting the C or D level fighters he faced before he faced Jones? Also, why do people pretend like fighters don't grow old overnight. We see it all the time in boxing. Oh wait, it doesn't happen when Roy fights them. He simply made them look bad. Reed, go back to matching up hillbillies against their cousins. Cupey
Why don't you and I become the main event in your next match in Houston. I'm sure tons of people would pay me to whup your ass. Cupey
REED Will NEVER Pretend to B a Badass, but he's MORE than Equipped to Handle YOUR Short, Pudgy Ass, Cupey...REED has a 6 Year Old w/a Loooooooooonger Reach than Yours...His 12 Year Old is Probably TALLER than U... If U & REED Fought 10 Times, U'd Lose 11 of them... REED:mj:
I can see you as smart as Obama and his 57 states. I have a week off in late February and my friend works for American Airlines. I'll fly over to whatever shit little town you live in Texas and you can film it. Then after I whup your ass in front of everyone I want you to tell me if my t-rex arms are functional or not. your call. Personally I think your yellow. But when you step in the ring your going to find out the hard way what I know about boxing. If you can't make it you can get Karl. I've been wanting to whup his ass too. Cupey
:laugh11: REED has Access to MANY Gyms Throughout the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area, T-Rex...Any # of the Gyms Owners would OFFER to Let REED Use their Ring AND Equipment in the Name of Whipping your FAT, Sawed Off Ass...They'd Get a KICK Out of it, Actually... We can Even Broadcast the Shit for the Fightbeat Masses.... "Yellow"???...Nah, REED's CRISPY Brown, Homegirl...So if U REALLY Wanna Do This, REED's Game... REED:mj:
He has the GIRTH of a Heavyweight, the HEIGHT of a Strawweight & the REACH of an Elementary Schooler... REED:mj:
Currently I'm a 4lbs above jr. middleweight, working with guys in both divisions. I'm currently working with a former world title contender and sparring with middleweights. Can't wait to bash Reed and make him eat his words. Cupey
I'm going to be dropping T-Rexs to your solar plexus. Reed is going to think it's football when I'm scoring touchdowns on his head. Cupey
Reed is so slow it won't even be an issue. He'll throw his jab, I'll slip underneath 6-5-1 to his ugly teeth. Cupey
Nah... REED's Been Going to a Gym for the Last Couple Months...He was 200 lbs Even, This Morning...By February, 2011, REED'll B in the Low to Mid 180's...Considering Cupey is LYING about his Own Weight, this Matchup is DOABLE.... REED:hammert:
What the hell are you talking about lying about my weight. Check my facebook status. In the sumer I posted I was down to 161lbs. Cupey