REED's Pac-Margarito Pics will FULLY Illustrate where REED's Weight is, Nowadays...As Mentioned Before, REED'll B in the Low to Mid 180's by February...Get on your Knees, Swallow MORE of Tito Trinidad's JIZZ & U Should Instantly B in your 180's Too, T-Rex... REED:kidcool:
I ACCEPT. I do not see why Carlos says he wants to "Whup my ass" as that is where it starts and will stop, wanting to whip me. Relax Carlos, I don't see what I did to you to warrant this hostility, but I am going nowhere in February, and never have and never will back down from a challenge. I just sparred with Chris Henry on Wednesday, he was going about 70 percent, and felt good shaking out. If you are challenging me, I accept your challenge, Carlos. I am ambivalent about this hostility towards me from you, but again, I will be here and as two gentleman that love the manly art of self defense, we will work out the specifics with no problem. After all; it's just one man against another, it's not that complicated. Karl