I heard initial Reports were that it was 1.4 million. Is that number the same or has it increased or decreased?
Pacquiao against that scrubby, cheating punch bag did more than Floyd Vs Mosley? Fucking hell, that's surprising.
That's DOUBLE the PPV Buys that Pac-Clottey Generated & Would Explain why the LIVE ATTENDANCE was LOWER than Pac-Clottey... REED:hammert:
why is it surprising? margarito fans outnumbered mosley about 150-1 at staples center when they fought? the guy is popular, and after that bout infamous. clearly this was going to do huge numbers on ppv
this is true but let's be honest...this is a game of one upsmanship...no matter what the actual numbers the released number was going to be higher than Mayweather vs mosley regardless.
And this goes back to my point why pacquiao doesn't fight black fighters, they don't sell PPV. At least not washed up ones like Judah or Mosley. I mean how stupid were these freaking Mexicans to show up and support a cheating loser like Margarito. Cupey
Does that count prison PPV numbers? I'm not sure how much the bad press for Floyd will help the fight. Racist rants and domestic violence accusations? He's already lost sponsorships with Reebok and AT&T.
Initially, I didn't think that PBF/Pacq would beat fights like Tito/DLH or Tyson/Lewis, etc. Now, I think it will beat those fights, but not because it is a bigger fight. I think ppv is just more accessible to more people these days with small dishes taking over. Not sure, but that's my guess.
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...ces-floyd-mayweather-as-the-reebok-poster-boy http://www.blackfitnessblog.com/2010/05/floyd-mayweather-training-workout-reebok-zigtechs/ http://www.examiner.com/internation.../at-t-reebok-avoid-ties-with-floyd-mayweather
PPV's R MORE EXPENSIVE than they Were in the Tito/Dela, Tyson/Lewis Days...& the Economy is MUCH Worse...The Fact that Pac/Margarita Could Do 1.5 Million Buys in TODAY's Economy is ASTONISHING...The "Boxing is Dying" Advocates Need to Conjure Up a NEW Mantra.... REED:hammert:
Bullshit... Since the Post-Ali Days, People have Been Saying that...Then Came Sugar Ray Leonard, then Tyson...After Tyson, it was Said Again, then Came Dela...Dela vs. Floyd was Supposed to B "The Last BIG Boxing PPV", yet Floyd has Done OVER a Million PPV Buys in 2 Seperate Fights Post-Dela...& Nearly Did a Mil in the Hatton Fight... Now Manny Pacquiao is Starting to REGULARLY Do MORE than a Million PPV Buys...3 Years Ago, it Would've Been ABSURD to Suggest that Manny Pacquiao would Regularly Generate OVER 1 Million Buys, but Look @ him Now...REED is Pretty Sure that Some R Thinking Pacquiao is the Last of the Boxing PPV Draws, but History SHITS on that Notion...There's ALWAYS ANOTHER...Always HAS Been, Always WILL B.... Basically, Boxing's Been 'Dying' for a Century, According to the Naysayers...REED Wipes his Ass w/that UNFOUNDED Mantra.... REED:dancingBaby:
Not really. As I remember, Tyson Lewis was a 50 or 55 dollar ppv back when most were quite a bit less...I think 35 or 40. So not only was it similarly priced to today's prices, but it had the shock value of being significantly more than other ppv's. It would be like paying $75 for a ppv today. I paid $54.95 for pacq/margarito on regular directv. I won't be surprised if they ask for $60 for pacq/floyd. If they ask for $65 or more and it still beats Lewis/Tyson, I'll be surprised.