Complaints about the frontpage will be addressed at the next Director's meeting. We will also be presenting Bernard Hopkins with a Ray Robinson trophy for his recent spirited win over the vastly overrated Felix Trinidad Junior.
Absolutely I will boast dick face because you and a bunch of other punks on this site made it seem like it was so fucking easy to do everything I do on a daily basis and how much better the site would be without me. Well tell me Mr. Genius what the fuck have you or anyone else that talked so much shit have accomplished in all of this time? Where are all the people that would turn it around? Nowhere and you know why? Because nobody wants to do anything for free, Nobody will make a personal saccrifice for the greater good of the site. And what the fuck did you ever put up for this site for that matter? A couple of shit articles that people said was nice so you wouldn't feel bad? How about those shit pictures you took on that Fischer Price camera you own? Get the fuck out of here with your shit. Nobody will ever do what me, Jake, Joe, and and a few guys managed to do. You don't have the ability, the skills, or the know how to get shit done. So until you prove me wrong, just shut the fuck up and go back to licking the sweat off of Roy's balls. Cupey
:giggle: We all know there aint no fucking "director's meetings" taking place in this Mickey Mouse website!
What EXACTLY Did U "Do", Cupey???...Oh, that's Right, You SINGLEHANDEDLY Ran this Site Into the Fucking GROUND...The LONE Bit of Respect that "Fightbeat" Got was on the Basis of its MESSAGEBOARD, which (Not-So) Coincidentally was Something You DIDN'T Have Any Dealings w/... But in Terms of Things You were Actually Responsible for, You FAILED MISERABLY Across the Fucking Board...& Even Today, the STENCH of your Presence STILL Permeates this Site...Again, YOU CREATED a Culture of INDIFFERENCE that the Current Owners R STILL Trying to Eradicate... Rest Assured, REED is MUCH BETTER @ Writing than You Are/Were @ Running a Website...You're the LEAST KNOWLEDGEABLE Boxing Site Owner in Internet History...It's YOUR Fault that "Fightbeat" is a Shithole, yet Now You're BRAGGING about It???....That's Like Giving Someone HIV, then GLOATING about it @ their Funeral.... Sorry Bastard... REED:boohoo:
What did I do? I'm not sure I should even respond to something so ignorant. For a guy who contributed 3-4 shirt articles I say you opinion don't count for shit. I ran the website to the top and to the bottom. I have no regret of anything I did other than I should have spread the responsibility instead of do it all myself. But your like Obama, still blaming Bush for everything without fixing shit. The truth is that at this point the site should be turned into an only forum location and you guys can still go on blaming me for everything you are to incompetent to do yourselves. Good riddance. Cupey
Here is a link to some of the videos I produced during my ownership: Here is a list of the new videos produced by Reed and the gang: cupey