seriously, we could start a thread, "it sure is warm in Ecuador" and this guy would be in here disagreeing
Disphit, I didn't say you couldn't, I just said that I think it is difficult. And in my experience it is. You want to counter with your experience, go for it. If you would improve your reading comprehension, it would save you some anxiety. Notice REED said beer was his drink of choice, but he didn't imply that it was his only source of alcohol. I think this is because most alcoholics drink to get drunk and it's easier and faster to get drunk with something besides beer.
Lester Ellis used to have the same i think he would drink 215 cans of beer a week wtf...basically all you do is sip beer all day non-stop and go to the toilet
I'm still a Pavlik fan and hopefully he can turn things around in his personal life before he can turn his boxing career around. I'll Holla 5000
It's too bad for Pavlik. I always wondered how he fell off so fast. Even the schooling from Hopkins seem ridiculous. alot of this makes sense now. He seemed too young and too good and now he looks fucking average.
I always thought something was up with him as soon as that story about his "altercation" with a bouncer came about well before he won his title.
becoming addicted to something isn't a skill you essentially are saying "man, you sure have to be good at addiction to get addicted to beer" alcholism is about far more than getting drunk, getting drunk is barely even on the register when you have reached that point (the same goes for ANY substance addiction) ... it becomes an actual physcial need, your body will actually be violently ill if you DONT drink... do you understand what Detoxification is? withdrawal? these are physical processes... sure, there is obvious mental anguish involved, but that is a long term, cognitive issue, that is what people use things like AA and NA for... the immediate major obstacle for any chronic alchoholic or drug addict is the physical torment brought on by ceasing the usage of the substance, that is where people go to rehabs, hospitals... repeat, it has nothing to do with the choice of beer versus scotch or vodka