McKinney-Jones was a great fight also. This was at a time when the lighter weights was largely overshadowed.
Yep, Hagler-Hearns is still my favorite after all these years. Hearns-Duran and Leonard-Hearns 1 are up there, but Hagler-Hearns was hellacious. Honorable Mention: Julian Jackson vs Herol Graham. I STILL feel bad for Graham. Lightning only had to strike once, and FUCK did it ever strike on poor Graham.
Good call. The fight was on Junior Jones' birthday too and he tried all-out for a KO in the first 3 rounds, punched himself out and then was clobbered in the 4th. That was a good night of fights.
Last month I really enjoyed watching Douglas vs. Tyson. It was just an amazing experience This month I'm limiting to any fight that Roy Jones gets KTFO. It's alway a pleasure to watch him get destroyed. Cupey
Perhaps...But Not Nearly as Pleasurable as Watching Roy Jones Repeatedly BOUNCING Tito Trinidad Off the Canvas like a Basketball....The FACT is, your MOST HATED Fighter Embarrassed AND CARRIED YOUR HERO... & You DESERVE to Have that Tidbit in the Back of your Mind for the Remainder of your Short Armed, Miserable, Midget Life... REED:Thumbs:
Great fight...but when you rewatch it..only round ONE (and the KO in round 3) was awesome. The entire fight didn't have that sustained action. Gimme...Trinidad-Vargas.
Let me flip the script, what you are really trying to say is that your hero was incapable of stopping a guy that was retired for 3-years and fighting 14lbs over his best weight for the first time. Yeah, Roy Jones is pathetic! Cupey
Tito would have gotten smoked by Roy in 2001 if he got past RJJ victim Bernard Hopkins. Hell, Tito couldn't even beat RJJ's lackey, Winky Wright.
Please. Roy was begging Don King NOT to make Hopkins/Tito because he knew Hopkins would punk him. He wanted to punk Tito himself, similar to how I just punked you.
No, what REED is Trying to Say is, the "Pathetic", TWICE KO'ed, Several Years PAST PRIME Roy Jones DOMINATED YOUR HERO to the Degree that he CARRIED him...The Bottom Line is, Your Hero Didn't & NEVER COULD Beat ANY Version of Roy Jones... So Again, You have to LIVE w/THE FACT that your LEAST Favorite Fighter Absolutely OWNED Your MOST Favorite Fighter...Suck on THAT, T-Rex!!... REED:cheer:
THIS!!!....Since T-Rex's Arms AREN'T Looooooooong Enough to TAP OUT, he Needs to Wave the White Flag.... REED:TLC:
Marquez vs Diaz is kind of fund to watch. It doesn't get much better than watching the baby bull getting the shit beat out of him