Tyler Durden
Last Activity:
Mar 15, 2010
Dec 1, 2003
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Oct 23, 1971 (Age: 53)
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Tyler Durden

WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ, 53, from Indiana

Tyler Durden was last seen:
Mar 15, 2010
    1. Joe King
      Joe King
      Take advantage of the post whoring thread.
    2. Tyler Durden
      Tyler Durden
      Doing fine Rock. At Utube, there is a link that says "embed" you copy that long winded link....and then come here, there is a spot right above the smilies when you are going to post It is "A/A" click that and the embed link will work when you paste. You have to push that button BEFORE you paste the embed link from Utube, otherwise it will post as a bunch of jiberish. Hope I explained it ok, let me know if it works.
    3. Rock on
      Rock on
      TD, hope u r well. I might have asked u this b4. How do I post a Youtube clip with the picture thing instead of ordinary link?