This is like a Mix of Venom, John Wick and an episode of Arrow where they created that device that heals cripples.
The first trailer was bad? Damn.
Looks like B Movie fun.
Yeah it looks like a good netflix film, despite the talent on the screen.
I gotta admit. You are one of the few that have done this. Specifically after i have confronted you on things. But you are the exception...
lets see.
Show me a thread where you or anyone has admitted they were wrong.
You arent aware of the history of titles and it bothering Mustard. He threw a harmless rib me in another thread trying to get my attention on...
When you do something to get a rise of a specific poster and they dont dissapoint. [IMG]
This is true with Marvel movies, That's why i find DC movies a little more worth because i remember them after i leave the theaters. Black...
Daniel was always the villain [MEDIA]
The fact that you are not 100% sure, shows you that i have trolled you.
Nah it was a movie for kids but it's a series for those same people that are now adults. An adult show.
No but. It's good. I have seen the first 4 episodes.
Good show. Great for fans
Usually about 25-30 each. Not including food. If you get food, you can easily spend over 100.
There is seating like this all over. Even better actually.
Yeah but on a side note, his 20 year old daughter with that woman is turning out nice. [IMG]
2001: A Space Odyssey /thread
So all the Movie vs. Movie will go into the movie thread mini forum listed at the to of the this page. Enjoy.
Dirty Harry is cool. But Die hard is arguably the greatest action movie ever
Shit, they would be paying me while i watched movies. I would just be gone for along as time in different time slots of the movie, saying that...
Yeah but you didnt get paid for watching movies?
Yeah panchy was there. He was on a date with an Older Irish woman he had an affair with in the early to mid 70s.
Separate names with a comma.