I remember ordering it like it was yesterday. I also remember Esk's prediction thread where he said Vargas would win in 3. It's wild how fast 22 years go by.
There was a lot of back and forth on this one. I think it was pretty even split on the forum as far as who everyone was picking to win.
One thing i loved about Harold Ledermans career was how he'd inevitably be on the verge of delivering some irrelevant bullshit line and something would happen to warrant Lampley interrupting whatever BS Harold was saying... "i think Bowe should......" "HANG ON HAROLD WE GOT A GUY ON A HANGLIDER IN THE RING!!" "I've got it even and..." "Down goes Vargas!!" It was like big moments deliberately conspired to fuck with Harold's flow
3 seems optimistic. Hell.... Win seems optimistic, with hindsight its amazing Vargas did as well as he did
Helluva Fight...REED Picked "El Feroz" to Win as Well...Huuuuge Fan of His Back Then... There Was No Legit ANIMOSITY Btwn Them, Yet Felix Trinidad and Fernando Vargas Damn Sure FOUGHT Like There Was...Latin Pride @ Its FINEST... As they were Receiving the Ref's Instructions During the Staredown, Tito Said SOMETHING to Vargas That REED Is Still Oblivious To, Today....But Whatever He Uttered, You Could Tell Tito MEANT That Shit... It was AMAZING How Ferocious Worked His Way BACK Into the Fight After Nearly Getting STOPPED in the Very 1st Round...Brave, Ballsy Dude, But Tito Proved to Be Toooooooooo Much for Him That Night... Vargas Always Said If He Had to LOSE, He'd Rather Go Out On His Shield....He Damn Sure Did On THIS Particular Night... REED
Right, Vargas even said in some interview that he respected Trinidad but it would be like two lions fighting over a piece of meat. That's essentially what it was. No resentment, just two warrior fighting over what they both wanted.
Trinidad-Mosley should have happened after this. Tito’s jump to 160 could have waited. Not sure who was making the decisions but boxing deserved Trinidad-Mosley in the summer of 2001.
It was Trinidad’s Call… All Along, the Plan was to Move Up to ‘54, Beat Vargas and Reid, Move Up to ‘60, Become Undisputed Champ, Then Challenge Roy Jones… Trinidad Spoke OPENLY About It…That Level of Sheer AMBITION Is Sorely Missed In Boxing Today… REED
REED is correct. Trinidad-Mosley was seen as ONE of the biggest matchups to make in the sport in 2001, but Jones-Trinidad was seen as THE biggest matchup to make below heavyweight at the time. I say below heavyweight because Lewis-Tyson was still considered the biggest super fight in 01.
I think Trinidad would have stopped Mosley at 154. Roy always beats Tito no matter when it takes place.
Early in the 4th, as Lederman is discussing his tally after three rounds, Trinidad gets dropped by Vargas and I remember Larry Merchant saying something like, ‘Whatever your score was, Harold, it just changed!’
Fucking Harold Lampley did it again in wlad-byrd 2 when Harold wanted to "talk about holding" right as Byrd was having his clock cleaned.....