Just because this generation voted the first film as one the best comedies ever made even though it was critically bashed and bombed at the box office. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6B9rhOU_gTM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first one was FUNNY!!!!!....critics bashed it? SO what that what they mostly do...they don't know dick about what people life....it bomb at the box office...? So people don't know dick about what they want..... Blade Runner....bomb and was bashed by critics....it's today consider a CLASSIC! Fight Club...Office Space...Citizen Kane...etc....
I thought the 1st Zoolander was amusing enough. Pretty sure it bombed with critics because 9/11 happened just a couple weeks before it was released and nobody was really in the mood for it. Did fine at the box office. Made back twice it's budget. Anytime anybody takes the piss out of the fashion industry, I'm all for it.
I liked only bits and pieces, but for the most part it is a mediocre movie. I think that the fad of doing 'ducky' selfies started with this film as it became a cult classic.
I think they renamed it 'Zoolander No.2' ? Still looks shit and contains everyone in it who I find totally unfunny...
It had horrible reviews (23% rotten) and landed in the fourth spot with a lame $13.4 million. The film had a $50 million budget, so this is the real bomb this week.
And yet, ironically, this movie has had tons of hype: posters everywhere, Stiller/Wilson/Cruz on chat-shows....I guess they were desperate to push this movie knowing it was totally shit.
I think maybe they only did this sequel because roles are getting kind of scarce for them. Same reason Ferrel did Anchorman 2.
Zoolander was funny...and dumb...and funny...an okay mixture...it's NOT a classic...but watchable...twice...maybe a 3rd time.......Owens is just annoying though...
The first one had some definite laugh out loud moments (the gas station scene) but not enough for me to care about seeing this one