Name 'em. Define out-boxer however your please, obviously within reason. I try to be weary of the difference between a pure boxer, and a boxer-puncher. And what makes them the 'best' is also to your own discretion, just be prepared to back it up.
Some tough choices here. Lots of guys could be runners up and it's hard picking against someone like Floyd - who was definitely a pure out-boxer at 147 and above, but was definitely a boxer-puncher below. Even though he was defo better than Mitchell and Locche, it seems weird to put them over him. HW: Muhammad Ali CW: Oleksandr Usyk LHW: Harold Johnson SMW: Andre Ward MW: Sumbu Kalambay JMW: Wilfred Benitez WW: Ray Leonard JWW: Nicolino Locche LW: Pernell Whitaker SFW: Brian Mitchell FW: Willie Pep SBW: Guillermo Rigondeaux BW: Lionel Rose SFly: Gilberto Roman Fly: Miguel Canto LFly: Hilario Zapata Min': Ivan Calderon
Not sure about SRL at WW, he was getting outboxed by Hearns and had to go in the trenches to win that fight
If REED Understands the Premise of the Thread Correctly, Hearns Would Be Considered a "Boxer-Puncher" Based On his Obvious KO Prowess... Therefore, Even Though Hearns WAS OutBoxing Leonard, He Wouldn't Be Applicable... Or, REED Completely MISunderstood the Premise and Doesn't Know What the Fuck He's Talking About... REED
Yeah, exactly like that. Although it's perfectly arguably to say that Leonard was also a boxer-puncher.
I'd think of an out-boxer as a pure boxer in the sense that they rely primarily on boxing skills as opposed to power, strength and infighting. Doesn't mean they can't have any of these things as well but stylistically, they are boxers first and foremost e.g. Howard Winstone (not that he is in consideration for a spot, just an example). Bearing that in mind, I think the names you've listed are pretty much on the money, George. I am struggling with Welter a bit. I feel there may be a better, 'purer' example than Ray Leonard but not quite sure who it is. Luis Rodriguez? Jones could be argued as no. 1 at Super Middle, but perhaps he used his power too significantly there to count.
I did consider Joey, but I went with Kalambay because he's technically more acute and I like him to out-jab Giardello.