Not sure if we've done one, please merge if so. After watching Dunkirk (disappointing imo), the discussion brought up other war movies. What are your favorites?
In no particular order The Longest Day Saving Private Ryan Platoon Letters from Iwo jima Hell in the Pacific American Sniper The Great Escape The Dirty Dozen Bridge on the River Kwai Sergeant York Apocalypse Now Full Metal Jacket The Deer Hunter
I think SPR, Apocalypse Now, and Platoon are the three best. Full Metal Jacket is the most OVERRATED war movie of all time.
Not Sure if it's a "War" Movie, Per Se, but REED's All Time Favorite MILITARY Movie is "Stripes"... REED
Not a movie but Band Of Brothers....also... Come and See Downfall Empire of the Sun Platoon Das Boot The Thin Red Line Saving Private Ryan Patton Casualties Of War
Unless you were saying FMJ was overrated twenty years ago, I think what you should be saying is the movie is dated, which I could partially agree with. At most it might just be that I've seen it too many times. By the way, Hacksaw Ridge was good.
War - one of my favourite subjects so I can discuss with anyone, all things ´war´ until the sun comes up. Not my absolute list but here´s five for a good start: Absolutely awesome movie in scope and one that even if its on TV, I have to watch it. Historically innaccurate (as usual with war movies) but still unmissable. Another largely forgotten classic - probably never gets aired now. Shot in various locations throughout France its almost like a railway version of a ´road-movie´. Only in wartime. Holf shit, a movie so epic in its size and scale, it had to be shot in the Soviet Union to reduce costs to almost US$35 million - that´s US$240 million in today´s money! Again, innaccruare in its depiction, but they got the Hundred Days events pretty much nailed. Alhtough its aged better since release, still the best depiction of the Germany-Russia struggle from 1942-45...and also amazingly accurate (they used real T34 tanks and German small/medium armament). A movie so massive in size, scope and undertaking - it could never be made today. Awesome photography, visuals and unforgettable score. If you can, watch the 3hr 36min version.
it's sci-fi, but it's clearly also a great war movie - a satire of war and a homage to some of the war movies above (e.g. Zulu): Starship Troopers
think its problem is just that the second half, i.e. when they're actually in 'Nam and enacting war, isn't anything special. - but the first half in the boot camp is iconic for a reason.
I totally love 'Lawrence of Arabia". I hate when short-attention span young people call it 'too long, too slow, too boring'.
Lawrence just blew me away when I frst watched fact I couldnt handle it. I had to watch it in two parts. When I rate modern movies like Dunkirk, you have to realize I rate it like I rated say, Force Ten From Navarone back in the 80s....I mean, Dunkirk is 1hr and 40 mins long. War movies.....PROPER FUCKIN WAR MOVIES...should be at least 2 hrs long....and show some death,bodies, Dunkirk is just a visual spectacle.....