Sorry, not much of a thread, I'm purely curious to gauge perception here. Just stick your vote in please. Any further comment/analysis is gravy.
Bradley has less power than Maidana IMO but is better at stalking and tracking down opponents. I think Bradley would win a close decision but Khan would not be in danger of being KTFO like he was against Maidana.
I have to go against Khan. Sorry. He simply hasn't shown any improvements in the areas that needed improving. And he runs like fuck when he is hurt. That said a few more swigs out of Freddies Magic Naggin and who knows.
Bradley. Too relentless and Khan wouldn't be able to fend him off when he gets inside. Bradley via UD.
Bradley is more intelligent in the ring. Khan seems to get by thanks to his speed and range, but Bradley knows how to study his opponent and follow the gameplan.
I'd go with Bradley. A lot of the fight has to do with how much respect Khan can get when on the outside. Things will obviously largely go in Khan's favor if he can get Bradley's respect with clean, hard shots from the outside, where Khan can use his speed and length. But if he doesn't, then he's in a lot of trouble. He has flawed footwork and questionable ring IQ, he may often get trapped on the ropes. Bradley is a more effective fighter at mid and close range, where Khan is ineffective and showed no defense against Maidana. Overall I think Bradley being more skilled and well-rounded should help him win a UD, or maybe even stop him late. Bradley may not hit as hard as Maidana, but stoppages don't just come from raw power.
Khan has said he would gladly take a doping test, urine, blood, whatever. Said it before the Malignaggi fight as Paulie was one of the main guys chatting that same shit. Khan has nothing to hide and has made that clear, so please nap these baseless accusations in the bud.
I heard whispers, I heard them, and Amir's head looked like it had changed shape, but that was after the Maidana fight, so who knows.
Jealous fighters cause these whispers. Khan has ALWAYS said he is willing to undertake any form of drug testing at any time. He is one of the few fighters in the sport I genuinely believe is not juicing. As close to 100% sure as you can get.
Because he has always maintained he will undertake any type of testing required, USADA or otherwise, and told Malignaggi he could choose any type of pre fight testing he wanted and he would co operate.
I'd probably pick Khan due to his natural size difference and the fact that Bradley might not hit hard enough to fuck Amir up. Honestly, I thought beforehand that Maidana had the best chance of beating Khan out of the better light-welters around today. All that power and in fighting against a poor chin and awful inside work looked the most likely to do for Khan. Having overcome that, the way is clear for Khan to prosper IMHO. Alexander isn't all that IMHO (beating a shot Witter and struggling with Kotelnik are his two best wins for me) and Bradley just doesn't hit hard enough. Ortiz is a mental midget who doesn't much like fighting, Kotelnik is over-the-hill and Khan beat him handily and, beyond that lot, there isn't much else is there? MTF
At first I was VERY confident Bradley beats Khan. Now I am less confident, but would still tentatively pick Little Timmy by decision. He's the more skilled, craftier fighter. There is a chance he would simply get overwhelmed by Khan's handspeed and reach (which really are the main things he has going for him), but I think he'll find a way round it and beat Khan up. He'll have to take risks and put the pressure on Khan though. Obviously if he's overly patient and tries to pick his spots too much, he'll just get outpointed easily by Khan's huge array of long, fast arm punches.