
Discussion in 'General MMA Discussion' started by Tha Pitbull, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. Tha Pitbull

    Tha Pitbull Leap-Amateur

    Apr 13, 2006
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    That was bullshit! Ortiz/Shamrock was FIXED! If a fight has ever been regged it was that one, Edward's lost half the blood in his body and took 15 unanswered punches and they didn't stop the fight? Ken gets hit with ONE elbow and the other four didn't hit shit so they stop it?!


    Arlovski won his fucking fight and they give it to Stay-Puff the Marshmallow Man?Arlovski won 3 to 2 I don't give a fuck they were on Stay-Puff's nutz all night. Fuck the UFC bullshit motherfuckers! I hope Silva drag's Liddel! I fucking hate Silva but fuck it.
  2. Hanzy

    Hanzy "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 19, 2005
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    The only problem with Silva/Liddell is that they're fighting in the Octagon under tigher rules, which means Silva will not be allowed to stomp the fuck out of Liddell if Liddell is on the ground. I wish the fight would take place in the Pride ring.
    But can you imagine how nuts Dana White will go if Liddell beats Silva? You know he's gonna be hollering about how his UFC fighters are superior to Pride fighters and using this as a way to elevate the status of his company as being the one and only true MMA organization and making Pride out to be second-tier.
    I can visualize it happening. So Silva better make sure he fucks Chuck up damn good, albeit being disallowed from using his dreaded 'stomp yo ass into the ground' tactics.

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