I do believe Bute will rub his lantern nervously, then jump on his carpet and fly around the perimeter for all 12 rounds this time,.. think Castillo - Fraud 2.
What's wrong with you? I'm not saying Bute won't get the treatment, but they both train out of Montreal.
who said they werent, but Andrande isnt based from montreal for one, and the way you said it imply that montreal should be a neutral ground as they are both based out of here ( wich agains isnt true ), and thats just ridiculous
Well that's not what I was implying Mr. Engish as a second language. :warning: It's a logical location from a ticket selling perspective.
who's name was being screamed by the crowd throughout the fight? who speaks french? who benefited from an obviously paid-off ref? you can't be serious.
I think Double L would agree to hold the fight in his living room. That way, he could see Andrade half naked from real close... (Sorry for that tasteless post.)
Non c'e justice in this world. Andrade was robbed. What we had was a real life rocky.Instead, we had yet another argument for the wholesale destruction of Montreal.
no. just pointing out the Andrade will be up against it once again in the rematch just as he was in the first fight (i.e. he will need a knock-out to win by the time the referee has deducted points, allowed Bute to hold the entire fight, give Bute 20 seconds to recover from knock-downs, and break clinches the second they occur so that Bute's illegal holding tactics can't be combated by perfectly legal Andrade punishment). If a guy's gonna clinch you the whole fight, you should be able to hit him during the clinches. This is impossible if the referee breaks clinches the second they occur. In other words, the clinch is most effective and extremely difficult to defeat when it allows a fighter to start and stop the action anytime he wants to.
:notallthere: But if excessive clinches are outlawed,.. how do we assist prolonging Hopkins quest for further greatness?
in Hopkins' case, he holds and hits, so clinching is a whole different strategy for him than it is, for say, a guy like Sharmba Mitchell or Lucian Bute. Hopkins likes to spider-grab you with one arm and hit you with the other. He's been doing it his whole career. A guy like Bute, he can't bear the prospect of fighting inside or diverging one bit from his comfortable amateur format, and so clinching for him is a defensive technique, hopefully with a referee who interprets it as an instruction to stop and restart the action so that he can revert back to his amateur style. Hatton is a unique case in that he uses the clinch in both fashions. Against Tszyu, for example, he took a page from Hopkins whereby he held Tszyu with one arm and punished him with the other. On the other hand, when he was exhausted against Tackie and being chased down, he used it defensively, signaling the referee to stop the action when he clinched so that he could get some distance, hit and hold, and repeat the process over again. Mosley, probably to many people's surprise, is a horrible clincher. He is NOT an inside fighter. He's basically a hit and hold, and wait for the referee fighter. It's why his fights can be so tedious. Only against the very elite can his mid-distance hit and hold strategy be dealth with through clever foot-work and careful counter-punching.
Well, it's good to see Bute give Andrade a rematch. Hopefully they draw a much better referee this time. Truth be told it should be in Montreal. It will sell out, more money for both guys win or lose and the atmosphere is just incredible. The local crowd really gets into the fights up there.
andrade must be getting a career high payday for this. i'd much rather see this rematch take place in southern cali.
He did. There's no "maybe" about it either. He wasn't in the neutral corner and he gave the ref an opportunity to stop the count. We saw what can happen when a fighter doesn't retreat properly a few weeks early, when Mosley was practically standing on Mayorga when the referee was counting.
but he was in the neutral corner!!! he took 1 maybe 2 steps from it mid-count, but nothing to warrant a suspension in the count. only a stickler who was rooting for Bute would make such a claim and act as if the ending of that fight was anything but scandalous.
you act like he was standing over him doing a Dempsey on him. get real. it was an obvious screw job and you know it.
I agree with your post for the most part,.. .. and I must say,.. that Hopkins clinch is the most damaging,.. .. he backs up,.. ducks down low,..and rises diagonally upwards leading with his forehead,.. it's the perfect angle to rhinoceras an opponent with maximum damage, launching diagonally upwards crunching the forehead into the soft tissue of the face. You know, Hopkins game, counterpunching, everything, revolves around the clinch pretty much.....and writers praise it as "wizardry", just like that illegal backtwisting shoulder roll shit,..
theynever showed this view on the us view but andrade is still against the ropes - he's just getting a better visual angle on bute's condition.