Ouch! That was as bad as Gatti-Dorrin. Congrats Gerry.:bears: At least it was legit unlike "Hopkins-Oscar."::
Damn right..that was a real body shot..not DLH vs. Hopkins tap..Hopkins didn't even turn his glove, he hit Oscar with the palm of the glove..:nono: it took Jhonny's brain a second or two to process the pain..then he took the knee..he couldn't even breath or roll around in pain like Pollo..
That hurt just to look at, bro. The only guy I can ever remember getting up from a shot like that underneath was Jerry Quarry when Joe Frazier hit him with a brutal hook underneath at the end of the fourth round in their return, and Jerry only survived as it happened at the end of the round and he was KO'd the next.
Jhonny has more balls than El Pollo. He will be back to make some good money as he is a good and game fighter and didn't punk out, he took it like a man with no phony theatrics thrown in (i.e. squirming on the canvas and pounding your gloves on the ring which is physically impossible to do if you have been ko'd to the liver) and I wish him well. Karl
I edited that to say he has more balls than Oscar. I think he can hang with anyone out there, but may want to concentrate on keeping his elbows tucked in more and do more homework on the situp table would help.
agREED. I thought the same thing. Just like Castillo...when you get hit with a real liver shot, you're not banging the canvas and hopping around a few seconds later.
15 pounds of pressure can crack a rib. I think that shot probably cracked or severely bruised Jhonny's ribs.
Gerry Cooney also caught Larry Holmes with a good bodyshot. Larry was seriously hurt and even he said he's lucky it happened at the end of the round. You can see Holmes holding on to the top rope and do a little side step as he slowly walks back to his corner.
Like i said, it didnt look hard to me. Where the punch landed was perfect, but the force behind it was suspect IMO.
I can't remember which fight it was (I think the first?), but Gatti got up from a pretty brutal liver shot in one of the Ward fights.
i still don't understand people's insistence that ODH faked the loss to Hopkins. my guess is 90% of the people making this claim have never taken a shot in the liver.
9th round, first fight. the only other time Gatti was dropped in that series was in the 6th round of the 3rd fight and that was from a head shot.
dsimon writes: I am not being snide Double L but honestly, I can't speak for everyone but having been plugged to the body pretty damn good you don't do much withering... you can't move usually and you concentrate on trying to breathe. Oscar's reaction was bullshit frankly. If he had been plugged he could not have been withering and frustrated IMO. Nobody who is mortal, when they are struggling to get air thinks about much else until air starts coming back in the body.
I still don't understand people's insistence that ODLH's reaction to the body shot was genuine. my guess is 90% of the people believing his actions never earned $30 million for a prize fight and then formed a multi-million dollar partnership with said person weeks later.
so your hypothesis is that he lost to him on purpose so that he'd be more famous and held in higher regard once he was signed to a deal with G? is that it?
It was a great bodyshot to the short ribs. I saw a similar knockout a few hours before, when Alekseev barely graced Avila with a counterpunch to the exact same spot. Avila was laid out like he was shot for two minutes, barely able to move. That tells me two things, even the weakest looking bodyshots can knock you out, if they land at the right spot, and that nobody naturally reacts to it like Oscar. :: :: ::
hopkins went easy on him in the first few rounds. oscar quit once he started to get tagged. not sure what to call that. i heard oscar looked great in his training camp. why train vigoriously for a fight you're gonna lose?
What Made Penalosa's KO so SWEET was the Fact that it was a COUNTER Bodyshot... Gonzalez MISSED w/a Right which Penalosa DUCKED & the ENTIRE Right Side of his Torso was EXPOSED...Gonzalez was FULLY EXTENDED & Everything... Penalosa WHACKED him w/a Left & it was CHURCH... REED
I think Oscar quit, not sure it was fixed. But I think he had to make a dramatic show of it so people would think he went out on his shield instead of pussing out. It's IMPOSSIBLE to roll around on the ground pounding your first on the canvas after a crippling liver shot. Oscar should win an Oscar. :clap: