Should one tough fight be the end of a fighters career? For example:::Corrales-Castillo..Corrales win by KO in the 10TH Round...If Castillo had ...all it takes is one tough fight now and they take your license to fight, not that i am totally against this, but i bet at sometime Mickey Ward, Gatti, Corrales, and many many many more fighters that fought with their all and had really grueling fights have had the same type of injury, some conditions even worse than the 2 fighters this past weekend that suffered some bleeding on the brain, I hope that when i have to sit down and bang with someone that they do not want to check my brain for injuries, even though its best for the fighter, but the end result may be you losing your dream of doing what u do best.....this is sad, but i guess we have to roll with the punches, what if the best fighter today gets in a tough fight, but wins, and is told he will not be licensed to fight again, but he feels fine, he has the same aches and bruises that he had in any other tough fight? We would not be able to see the best in the ring again, I see people almost get killed in the gym "literally" killed, but now we cant bang and brawl in our fights, but everyone including the networks like the action-packed fights, and boo when we are not taking the boxing world wants us to risk not only our lives in the ring but now our careers as well each and every time we get in the ring????????????? Please reply all....
I don't agree with an instant lifetime medical ban, as Nevada is quick to give (Joe Mesi, for example). But I do agree with some sort of a medical suspension, followed by an extensive exam - not just tests, but also progress in the gym and reaction to getting hit, etc. The problem with boxing is that such matters are always limited to paperwork, and tests that any semi-healthy person can pass. That's the problem with securing a license on any level in the sport in the first place - it's the one sport where skill level is not required to make it to the pros, just an entry fee, and the ability to take a head-shot photo for your picture ID. Personally, I think both should be medically suspended for the rest of the year. I know it's a tough sport, but sometimes fighters need to be saved from themselves. I don't trust trainers, managers or even the fighters themselves, because all tend to see $$$ more than the long-term risks of fighting through such injuries. I don't think either should lose their license, though.
Good post man.... I dont know dude, the shit we see in gyms is rediculous....there is a gym around the corner from where you train, i dont remember the name but leroy owns it and doc (foremans old trainer) hangs out there....anyway 1 day this guy had like 10 mexicans just goin gatti ward on each other which no headgear or mouthpieces...shit was fuckin rediculous...and the punishment they take now will make damn sure they never have any type of career... As far as pro fighters go its a hard thing to say.....once you have decided a certain amount of years to fighting there really isant any place to go from there...your JOB is a cant go to a job interview for a decent job and be like "well i havent done anything in 10 years but i was the 2x WBC champion." With that said i know they are trying to make things saffer but they are messing with some peoples lives..... If Joe Blow gets into a war and gets his liscence taken he may not be able to support his family anymore...but he also for sure wont be able to support them if hes dead. Double edged sword I gotta let these guys do their job. But who is to decided how long they can do it.
Well the liscencing system works really well in undergo a TON of tests and they even come watch you spar (some times against some one THEY pick) to gauge how good of a fighter you will be to see if its even worth letting your persue a career... But at the same time all this can be avoided by getting a liscence some place else.
dsimon writes: Gerald is the liscensing regional enough so that you can be liscensed in another state if you are revoked? or are they uniform enough so that you are indeed finished if they revoke you after a tough outing? I don't have enough knowledge to take a stand on this issue personally. I feel for both parties. There is something to be said for being able to do what you want with your life. I would rather die young doing what I want... but sometimes really poor judgement shouldn't kill a young man... and frankly at 42 I consider most shot fighters "young men." ::
Exactly, and while we have the ABC in place, for whatever reason (though mostly financial) the same set of guidelines are NOT in place for every state. Commissions like Nevada are hands on, but they're the exception, not the rule, when the opposite should be true.
After revoked you can try for other mesi did and tyson after the gear bite....and morrison
dsimon writes: You know Mike a lot of the same arguments in a different context have been going around in martial arts. And I don't mean MMA fighting liscenses. Not that long ago New Jersey was going to actually have a certification program to teach martial arts. Its a real issue because the board will have their own prejudices, there will be fees involved... and take it from somoene who has been teaching for over 25 years, you do it for the love more than the money unless you want to teach people crap.:: Oversight can be a good thing but at least in martial arts it would probably create more problems than good. Of course the safety issue s not as grave, although there are a suprising amount of injuries in dojos from stupid teachers. Almost as many as from hard shots in the ring me thinks.
Oh....there should DEFINATLY WITHOUT A DOUBT but some kind of liscening for trainers. In boxing and MMA I boxed for about 4 years as most of you know and only had 1 fight as far as boxing goes, and my training knowlege was basically what i learned from watching jeff and helping him. And with that bit of knowlege i will honestly tell you i could out train 70% of the frauds in vegas. The sad thing is these guys use a good mouth peice and convince people who dont know any better that they are the real deal and the fighter is the one who ends up getting hurt and ruining whatever potential he has... I mean look at Donald House, he cant train for shit and using a stick to try to poke you in his training, but hes worked with guys like chuck liddel before and we now see him as a cut me in the UFC and people think hes hot shit Same thing happined in jacksonville reguarding MMA some guys told me to come train so I do, come to find out the gym is run by the people who train there and the main trainer who is only known for being the second oldest MMA fighter next to severn was NEVER around, he jsut came in once aweek if that and told everyone how great they looked. The other trainer couldnt fight a lick and the boxing coach couldnt speak english. I tried to explain to all these guys that if im beating the shit out of u in every aspect you have no place in a cage, seeing as i was out of shape and anywhere near being a top calibur fighter. Well none of them listened to me despite my warning and in a 5 month period I saw every one of the KO'd during this time.
dsimon writes: I hear you. I was a fitness trainer years ago and a lot of the good mainstream gyms (not fighting gyms) have been doing their own training. Its a different game. I would say the trainers I see now-a-days are way ahead of the trainers in the late 80's when we were doing Nautilus and free weights exclusively. Its a shame that this has not worked into the fight gyms. I have to say though that the consumer often asks for it. When you teach martial arts, or do training people often think that what they see on TV, or hear, etc is superior to real training that requires hard work. Sounds like you had a couple of knuckleheads to work a similar problem out with.::
that's no longer true - if you get revoked in any state, your record gets flagged, and under ABC guidelines, your license is banned in any commission that falls under the auspices of the ABC. Basically, any state though the loophole is to fight outside of the country or on some indian reservation commission that isn't part of the ABC. That's the loophole - Riddick Bowe did that in 2004 when he came back in Oklahoma, but on a reservation rather than an arena within the jurisdiction of the the Oklahoma commission. Mesi had to wait for Nevada to lift the ban before being allowed to apply anywhere else. They lifted his ban, but never reinstated his license - he has to go to Nevada and physically re-apply.
i believe that u can get liscensed in other places, but vegas is the boxing capital of the world, thats a major monkeywrench in a fighters career