Who is Greater JCC or Floyd Mayweather? Floyd gets on people's nerves for saying he's the best ever. That means that some people feel his resume does not hold up when compared to other all time greats of the past. I have no problem with people thinking Floyd would beat JCC. Here is why. 1) Floyd is arguably the greatest defensive fighter that ever lived. 2)unlike his uncle the Black mamba Floyd had a rock solid chin. So not only was Floyd hard to touch but if you did stun him like Mosley or Judah he had good recuperative powers and had a high enough boxing IQ not to panic and survive. That is a hard guy to beat. Unless Julio knocks Floyd out lets face it he's not winning by decision. Having said all that still think JCC is greater in an all time great sense.
How can you think chavez is greater? That's odd. I think Mayweather Jr matches up favorably with him head to head even at chavez best weights at 130 135 but I could see chavez possibly winning there. At 140 and 147 I'd make Mayweather Jr a comfortable favorite head to head
Floyd has the better resume btw why is a head to head mythical match up relevant in determining who is greater? so stupid
Floyd is greater. I wouldn’t be surprised if JCC beat Floyd, particularly at 135. It’s a close matchup I think.
I'd take Chavez to win at 135. His style is just too perfect for it. It'd be a close, messy fight IMO. Mayweather had the better career though.
You won’t find too much film of anyone more dominate than Floyd. And when the stink of his personality wears off, just the skills will be left and people will recognize him as the greatest. Many already do.
Floyd ain't the best boxer ever, and it's not particularly close to be honest (though he's in the 8/12 range, which is already exceptional). Still, he s a couple of notch above Chavez on that regard
Not really, apart from the typical clueless casuals, it's mostly kiddo's obsessed with undefeated record that consider him the GOAT. You claim it's his personality that make people underrate him but I feel it's the other way around. His social media savyness and endless self promotion as the ''GOAT'' fools a lot of people into overrating him. In later years when all of this garbage will be mostly be forgotten, he'll be akin to a Marciano, who's only (long shot) claim to the top spot is based on being undefeated.
I always wondered how many would be claiming Mayweather's the GOAT had Castillo gotten the decision (most thought he deserved) in their first fight, or even a draw in Maidana I. My guess is that it'd be practically no one. And no way should such a title, in a sport with as rich an history as boxing, should be awarded on such a triviality
mayweather jr has defeated: Pacquiao, Alvarez, Cotto, Corrales, Hatton, Castillo, Delahoya, Hernandez, Chavez, Maidana, Judah, Marquez. hard to argue with that resume.
Mayweather would easily outbox Chavez in any head to head matchup you can come up with. Now that's out of the way, going unbeaten with a better resume makes Floyd the clear choice.
Mayweather did not easily outbox Castillo, a poor man Chavez, in 2 tries. Hard to imagine him doing it to the better version imo
Most impressive fighter I've seen live was jones jr. His resume is excellent too but Mayweather Jr has him beat in that aspect, opponent wise
It's not hard to imagine when Frankie Randall outboxed JCC. Whitaker and Meldrick Taylor did also. Floyd is one of the best defensive fighters in history, if not the best.