He's not finished yet, but brilliant stuff so far. http://checkhookboxing.com/showthre...mes-CountDown-8-Hasim-Rahman(Poem-Dedication)
#72 Julian Jackson Question. Why did Felix post a picture of a giant breasted average looking girl in place of Julian Jackson? Answer: Because that is what Julian Jackson is.. A giant breasted average looking girl. His power is his giant breasts. For you see, a average looking girl with giant sized breasts can still at times steal the boyfriend of a gorgeous looking girl with average breasts. Those breasts are the equalizer. Lennox Lewis is a big titty(power) girl, with a beautiful face and a great personality(boxing skills) Julian Jackson is a big titty girl with an average face and average personality(boxing skills) but so great is his power that he can equalize ALL of that. For Jackson's power is not just great it's ATG Elite.. He hits you and you can collapse into a heap of shit. He hits you and it feels like your world just exploded. That is his equalizer. At any time, any moment, he can end you like he ended Graham. Bang and you are out. Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.. Those giant tits swaying back and forth is the great equalizer for that average looking/average personality girl. She can at times still 'punch above her weight' so to speak and snag a guy much better looking than her simply because those massive breasts is too tempting to say no to.. Now in the long term she will inevitably lose to the true beautys of this world.. but every once in a while... those tits are simply too much to refuse. ::
#75 Kid Gavilán First off what is the Cuban Hawk? Members of the genus Buteogallus are small to quite large hawks. Their wings are short to medium in length; broad and rounded; the tail is of medium length. They have coarse, heavy, rather long legs. The lores and adjacent areas are naked to varying degrees. Some feathers on the crown and nape are pointed, forming a slight crest. Adults are blackish with a white banded tail and often with some rufous in wing and (in one species) body plumage. Immature plumage is very different from adult. The genus is present from south-western United States to Argentina, including the islands of Cuba and St Vincent. There are five species. Physical characteristics Small, stocky-bodied grebe with a short, thin bill and Yellow eyes. Dark plumage, darker on the crown and back White under tail coverts. Feet set far back on body and trail awkwardly behind body in flight. Habitats include fresh and brackish water, from small ponds to lakes, ditches, marshes and slower moving parts of rivers. Reproduction Multi-brooded, will nest in any season if conditions are suitable. Lays 3 to 6 blue-white eggs that become nest staiined. Builds a foating nest of vegetation anchored to reeds. Incubation about 21 days. Feeding habits Eats aquatic insects, small fish, tadpoles, snails, and above water insects. Like all grebes, also eat their own feathers, which may protect the gastrointestinal track from sharp fish bones. Conservation This species has been classified as Near Threatened because although it can be locally common, it has a specialised habitat and consequently a moderately small range which is likely to be contracting owing to drainage and other forms of wetland destruction. However, given the dispersal capabilities of large raptors, the habitat and population is unlikely to be severely fragmented or restricted to few locations. Very local, mainly in subtropical parts of the Americas. It may favour small temporary waters which lack predatory fish. It also occurs in swamps, shallow lakes, or oxbows, often almost overgrown with floating vegetation. The least grebe is rare in freshwater swamps in Suriname near the coast. Birds have also been found in ponds or rivers farther in to the interior. ::
#76 Manny Pacquaio The most sensational fighter of the last Decade. Manny Pacquaio flew through the weight divisions like super man. I wrote a poem for Manny: "Most people use their right hand.. Manny use his left. I could never use my left hand because that feels unnatural'. Fighter of the Decade.. Destruction. Carnage. Pain. and Explosion. Jim Lampley loves Pacquaio more than his family. Lampley left his daughter to be raped during the Bowe-Golota riot and Foreman had to save her. Lampley is a coward. Why does he like Gatti? Gatti blocked punches with his face. Orlando Cruz block dicks with his. Pacquaio you are amazing. I miss that poster GTSK.. he was GOAT Pac fan. He made great threads about dying for Pac-Man. Freddy Roach you talk a lot of shit. I'll leave you shaking in your boots. Fag. Pacquaio got a great resume. Fighter of the Decade. You are a human tornado. ::
Anyone who has Julian Jackson anywhear near a top 100 list is a moron... Anyone who has Kid Gavilan or Pacquiao rated that low is also a fool The writing is funny, though...
I don't think it's a serious list, man. :: #81: The Journeyman I'm not putting one fighter for my #81 spot. I'm putting one entity. The Journeyman. This is a poem I dedicate to every single journeymen who ever fought, who is fighting, and who will fight in the future. The Journeyman. The Journeyman travels alone in the cold. Shivering and scared alone in this world. The Journeyman sighs as he endures another defeat... but at least tonight he'll not sleep on the street. The Journeyman goes from town to town.. conditions worsening but he still struggles on. The Journeyman gave this wonderboy a test..but he still came out 2nd despite his very best. The Journeyman fades as he watches the new champ surrounded by adoring fans....'I'll do it all over again and again........... for without me.. where would he have began?
Mayweather undefeated he is the rainmaker. I bow to his light and his skills. I want to be a baby seal living in his pocket. He will feed me bits of cheese ..:giggle:
AHHAHAHAHA...you son of biatch!!!... and here the great Felix has Felix rank #50...while Pep is all the way at #67 right next to another overated whitey Henry Greb....YES VICTORY!!!
:bs: Tito would do this to Pep....<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LFBAcsntHGM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> then papaleo would really have to box rounds and rounds without throwing a punch...
The list's been updated. http://checkhookboxing.com/showthre...ountDown-5-Mike-Tyson-Final-Edition-1999-2002