I just got off the phone with Chris Henry and he dosen't know who Shaun George is. They never sparred, and he probably got Chris mixed up with the other Chris Henry who fights in another part of the country, or maybe the welterweight Chris Henry. Chris asked me "Shaun who?" and where George was from and I said I think from Brooklyn or somewhere up north, and he said no he has never met Shaun George, or much less sparred with him, but wishes him luck in his own career. Chris said there is no problem at all, just a case of mistaken identity and he wanted to thank everyone here for reading about him and taking the time to look at the videos we have of him here. As REED said, Chris is a class act. Thanks; Karl
Do you think he might have forgotten all about him because of the beating? :dunno: Just kidding. Henry seems like a class act. This probably could have gone in one of the other Henry threads, however.
I know stevedave, I just wanted to make sure that everyone will read it. No problem with Chris, just a case of a mixup.
Thank goodness this was cleared up. Stinger, once again, keep up the good fight bro. Now I can sleep at night.
dsimon writes: Oh yeah like Arben says... I also sparred with Henry! swell guy too, wished me well in my career as a pastry... I mean a chef! :: Anybody else who sparred with Henry want to come fowards? ::
LOL, bro. Team Henry is taking the high road on this simon, it simply did not happen and that is the final word on this matter.
dsimon writes; Considering you spoke to him personally about it that should be the final word on it. At any rate it is good training to have a good attitude about these things.
So one fighter saying he had the upper hand against another in sparring is the low road? Which road is Henry and hs team on when it comes to sparring Tarver? Dsimon, I heard this right from George's mouth too. Any fighter would be absolutely stupid to completely fabricate a sparring story.