common myths

Discussion in 'Training & Conditioning' started by LOK, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    1) Any trainer who prescribes a bodybuilding style split routine for fat loss or skinny ectomorph beginners is an asshole.

    2) Saturated fat is not the evil that most people think - that'll be transfats.

    3) Too may people forget that working out requires doing work - it's supposed to be hard!

    4) Functional strength is the most misunderstood phrase in fitness training today.

    5) Core strength is the second most misunderstood phrase in fitness today

    6) There are very few bad exercises, but many people who are unsuited to performing these exercises.

    7) If you can't sqaut 1.5 x your bodyweight or bench press 1 x your bodyweight AT LEAST, you have no need to be doing advanced plyo drils.

    [​IMG] The best exercise for fat loss is the table push away - do it early and do it often.

    9) Squats and deadlifts are not advanced exercises but functions that we perform every day so they should be, in one form or another, in EVERYONES training programme.

    10) Asking which supplements to take, which exercises to do, using a bodybuilding split routine, trying to "get ripped and buff", asking for the best biceps exercise to build up your 13" gunz etc etc is like worrying about which sunscreen is best then going out at midnight and expecting to get a tan! eat real food, master push ups, chin ups, squats etc. Do 'em consistantly for a couple of years, then start worrying about the other stuff.

    11) Supplement companies LIE!. You don't need all the shit they are selling. Take the money you WERE going to spend on super mega mass 3000 MKIII and spend it on chicken, fish, meat, eggs, fruit and veg. Learn to cook and stop expecting miracles from food supplements.

    12) Bodypump IS NOT weight training!

    13) Bodycombat IS NOT a martial arts class!

    14) Portion control is the lost art of weight loss. Too many people are looking for the ultimate diet. Guess what - eat less, weigh less. Complicated isn't it!

    15) Cut out beverages containing calories - for most people, this will result in a substantial fat loss without actually trying.

    16) Going grocery shopping when hungry = a shopping cart full of Oreos (maybe just me?!)

    17) Weightlifting belts don't protect your back - they actually increase your risk of injury when you aren't wearing them.

    1[​IMG] Steroids effect your memory - no fucker on them remembers ever having taken them!!! (yay - here come the Olympics!)

    19) Top class sportsmen and women are often at the top of their game in spite of their training, not because of it. Don't think they know anymore about training than you do!

    20) Lower body training is the foundation on which ALL good physiques are built. Stop complaining you girl and do some squats. Squats maketh the man.

    21) Ladies - The best butt exercise is the deadlift (any variation). Hip abductions, cable kick backs, fire hydrants etc suck. If your trainer gives you these exercises, kick him in the crotch and then fire his ass.

    22) If your are training for an hour or less, water is the best drink BAR NONE. If you are training for over an hour and your goal is fat loss - water is the best drink BAR NONE. If you are training over an hour and you're lean then you can treat your self to a Gatorade or whatever.

    23) Protein bars are expensive candy.

    24) Eggs are Gods own protein bars. Boil 'em, eat 'em.

    25) Running shoes aren't built for heavy squashy and unstable.

    26) Want bigger arms? Do weighted chins and dips!

    27) If you aren't eating at least 5 portions of fruit and 5 potrions of veg a day, you are a disease waiting to happen. Don't like the taste? Bad luck. Nobody died because they didn't like the taste of veggies. Be a man and SUCK IT UP! (no, you can't have a multi vitamin instead!)

    2[​IMG] Training and exercising are different has a specific goal where as exercising does not. If you have a goal - train towards it. If you want to go through the motions and never achieve anything from your efforts, then by all means exercise.

    29) A meal without protein is like Santa with no beard. It's just wrong!

    30) Too many people spend way to much time planning their workouts instead of doing their workouts! Paralysis by analysis. You'd be better off using your PC as a barbell.

    31) Just because some one wrote it doesn't make it true! (bet that one bites me in the ass!!!)
  2. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    i should note I stole this from another forum
  3. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    LOK, your a man after my own heart:bears:

    I would only slightly contest two things....

    10) That push ups & bodyweight squats are the best way for a kid to get into shape - he's probably be better served with a progressive resistence barbell program - after the first month or so at least. Any kid can probably get up to 70,80 push ups & Hindu Squats within a month - then what?

    3) That working out needs to be 'hard'. It needs to be challenging, but the whole 'no pain no gain mantra' really fucks people up, IMO. Don't even focus on how challenging or exhausting your work out is, just focus on progressing on the major lifts and everything will take care of it's self. Allot of time throwing in extra sets and exercises is the worst thing you can do.
  4. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole
    Kinda related...a humourous critique of bodybuilding type training that someone posted on another forum:lol:

    "What a lot of strength athletes don't understand is that bodybuilding is totally different. A whole different type of hypertophy that requires vastly different exotic training methods that rarely get results and generally require anabolics to break 200lbs. Let me tell you all that building significant muscle mass on a Yoda-esque program using exotic rep schemes on cables and machines, days of dedicated biceps training, with an overbearing focus on trace mineral balance and insufficient caloric intake makes it really hard to put on muscle. These guys have to have it all together to show any appreciable gains.

    Guys that eat and are able to rely on basic programs to increase their weights in squats, pulls, and presses doing basic exercises that strengthen the body and force it to adapt with increased muscle have it easy. They will never know what it's like to fight through moronic inefficiency to needlessly differentiate your training and alleviate worry that when you eventually do start gaining weight someday, it will be in perfect symmetry and proportion - all at 2lbs a year."

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