You were in condition and did what you had to do, outstanding performance.:bears: That fight reminded me of when Lou Ambers beat Henry Armstrong for the Lightweight Championship (watch it) and see the resemblances. To the Victor go the Spoils. This matchup has the makings of a great trilogy, and Enjoy yourself tonight, Champion. Karl Hegman
Great Job Nate!! I just wish he upped it up a little to actually take Diaz out,who was pretty ready to go out in the 9th or 10th!! But great win and major props!!:bears:
This win for Nate reminded me somewhat of when Esteban DeJesus whipped an Undefeated Lightweight Champion in Roberto Duran. Could be the start of a great Trilogy.
good win for elden's cousin. I quite enjoyed seeing him drub diaz. I doubt a rematch will be pursued, king is running the show in that case. campbell made sure to display a few DKP patches on his robe in a show of solidarity with the greatest promoter in the history of the sport.
dsimon writes: Juan is young and determined enough to learn from this fight. A cagey veteran with power is always a tough fight on the right night.... Juan's attitude after the fight spoke volumes..... Nate didn't kill him and he (juan) will be stronger because of it! (Nietzche).
:bears: I'm happy for Campbell, starting out at age 24 and finally winning a championship at age 36. Great story.