Definately has to happen! Manny Pacquiao is absolutely desperate for Conor McGregor fight |
I want to see Connor get fucking Family-Guyed. By "Family Guyed" I mean he gets brutalized and I sit there on my Sofa going "Nyyyyheheheheheh"
So how broke is Manny these days? You would think even if he’s only 5 figures or high 6 that still goes a long long ways in PI. By the way shit fight. Manny not only looks old but fights old and stopped being an entertaining watch years ago. Connor’s younger but will never have the stamina to put out a hard 10 round fight so I imagine they’ll be about even in the output and aggression department. I would not pay to see this, a decade ago, maybe but even that was only because of how good/entertaining Pacquiao was.
I not only didn’t see it, I didn’t even know it happened. That’s how far I’ve fallen out of the boxing loop, so take my boxing takes with a grain.
Can’t do it. I can honestly say I’m flat out not a fan of the sport anymore. I don’t hardly know anyone, I think the fights drag on too long and I end up praying for a stoppage just so I don’t have to sit through 10-12 rounds of pot shots. I think the UFC has spoiled me with their 3-5 round fights which can be just as long but somehow don’t feel like it. IMO boxing has been going through a steady decline of not only talent but fight quality and as a fan I just kind of jumped ship. You guys though, y’all make me beam with pride the way y’all have stuck with it all this time.
Manny looked terrific against Thurman. If he comes like that against Connor, il will be a very short night