I don't think PRIME Cotto beats Spence, let alone tonight's version. Forget Spence, Thurman stops tonight's Cotto.
Good God Almighty Ali is a horrible finisher. He has a fucking DEAD MAN in front of him and can't close the show. Ali's finishing ability makes Jermain Taylor look like Joe Louis.
Strange that jim called cotto the most "human" fighter they covered in 21st century, wearing his heart on his sleeve. To me, it is the exact opposite. Cotto has always been stoic. Wtf is jim talking about? Nevermind his embarrassing crying at the end.
Yeah I said the same thing. I like Cotto, but he was never a charismatic kinda guy. Always viewed him as a loner who kept to himself. As for Lampley.. Lmao!!! He always does that.
Cotto is a hall of famer but gay Jim limpley is tryina swoop in on that fat fuck Brian and todd duboef to fornicate with cotto
I like Ali but I sure as fuck wouldn't favor him over any of the junior middle elites. Guys like Lara, Charlo, and Hurd would execute Ali. His best bet is to fight a guy like Liam Stiff.
HBO was embarrassing last night. Making it seem as if Cotto was some generational type fighter, when really... he wasn't even great. I always felt he fell into the "very good" category.
I’ve really enjoyed Cotto’s career. Not an all time great for sure but still a very good fighter that fought pretty much everyone there was to fight during his career. Got beat up, got up, won some more, got beat up again, got up again and won some more... Even though people called him fragile during his career, he has shown a level of resilience that has to be applauded. It’s sad he lost his last fight but he can retire with his head high.
It's amazing how far Cotto slipped from even the Canelo fight 2 years ago. He had literally about 5% of his his prime self left in the tank last night. Oh and for the record, I had Ali winning 8-4.
I think it shows Cotto as at -1200 on fightnews. So Ali would have been +650 or so, I think. Yes, I also wonder the same thing.