I feel Vindicated. I have been saying for years Cotto was a fraud!! Cotto was the smartest moved fighter in History!! You all made excuses. He beat ZAB jUDAH. (Note Zab hadn't won a fight in 2 fucking years and Cotto was hurt 20 times in the fight) He beat Shane.(Note: Shane was shot and I scored the fight a draw.) He fought smaller guys, mostly prospects. The funny part is you know nothings were partially right. While Margarito isn't a bum, he is not a great fighter. He dominated Cotto. My prediction which can be produced, Margarito makes Cotto quit in 10. Yeah, I'll eat Crow. It was 11:::: This to me along with Roy JOnes losing toTarver and Tito losing to Hopkins, is one of the best moments inhistory. Viva Margarito, the crimefighter, exposing fraud in all its Puerto Rican glory. Fuck Lampley and Kellerman who had to have a good cry. The horse they have been backing was really a little homosexual donkey. I hope Cotto gets some therapy. My prediction little jOTO is going to end up dead in the castro district in San Fran in the next two years. It is the hidden cost of fraud. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Cotto is NOT a fraud. Thats just ridiculous! Was he overrated at times by many, perhaps including me at times? Yeah, but he's still a very good fighter. Tony just proved to be too strong. Cotto would still be favored over any other welter. BTW - he beat Shane 7-5, or 8-4. He wouldnt have taken a prime Mosley though.
He wasn't overated until the Gomez fight, which is when people started going way over-board with the hype in a match-up that was designed to do just that. I do think the tail end of the Mosley fight showed some weakness in him, though. He preserved the win on the scorecards, but Mosley forced him to let up in that fight.
Exactly. I remember saying this after that bout and got an earful. Every time they pit a chump in against a solid fighter, we get a reaction like that. "Oh man, did you see his defense? Floyd don't want none!" Same with Pavlik-Lockett.
I agree. Listen, Cotto is a good fighter. He is also fraud though. They markedted him as a superstar and it is sad that it seems no one but me was blowing the whistle. Mosley damn near beat him and Zab fucked him up. I expect all the Tony haters like explosive eing but hurt. Cotto is a good, not great fighter. He was being called a great fighter=fraud.
Whats overrated about him is that I cant believe there was some who claimed he could have beaten a PRIME Mosley also. I mean, just the fact that an old ass Shane gave him hell should have been an indication. The 00-01 Shane would've done a number on him. And who was it on here that said Cotto was better than a prime Tito? :laughing:
It was a draw and Mosley has een done for 4 years before that fight. Funny, that people see the weakness NOW. I said it then.
I'm not hurt cause I'm not a Cotto fan. I simply thought he would beat Tony, and was wrong. I admitted it.
Whatever. Cotto was made to quit against a very average fighter. Not one of you can ever claim he was as good as you thought. I, on the other hand, can say Cotto is just what I always said he was. Btw, a prime Margarito would beat Mosley. Mosley was never a great fighter. His prime consisted of a weak lightweight reign, a single win over dlh, and a serious of one-sided and humilating losses. tONY WOULD win a wide ud. Shane would holds his way to a lopsided loss like he did in the re versus Forrest.
Fantastic. Watching Lampley cry was a great moment. I burned that 5 minutes onto a disc. Lol, I think itis funny when people realize what a filthy whore they are and weep. Lampley is suck a company man it makes me sick. Not one ounce of credibility does he have. Cotto was moved so slowly that they made him a star.
So what's your opinion of Floyd who ducked Margarito for years and recently retired to avoid both Cotto and Margarito?
I think PBF is ducking them, but I think he'd beat them both rather easily. I don't know him. He picked a "curious" time to retire. If he lost his taste for the game, then so be it. He shouldn't call himself an alll time great though, especially when there was clear business to take care of still.
I agree about Lampley, it's disgusting having to listen to him mar quality fights with his biased cheerleading. He's become quite adept at talking over/ignoring what certain fighter's are doing, and then exaggerating whatever the HBO house fighter does. Lampley basically does the broadcast equivalent of trying to steal rounds.
I think there are several key points to touch on for this fight, before anyone starts to blow up Margarito's status into something its not. 1. Miguel Cotto has Thomas Hearns-like clinching ability 2. Miguel Cotto has always been a sitting duck for an uppercut, Margarito's best punch 3. Cotto's chin kept him from having the confidence to do something he needed to do, go to the body early and often 4. Cotto has a bad habit of turning southpaw when he's uncomfortable and being robotic in how he resets his footwork 5. Margarito was on the receiving end of 90% of the good clean punches landed over the course of the fight. If someone who was comfortable at running/countering were to fight Margarito, I think that person would win handily. This is why there should be ZERO talk from any and all Floyd haters about a floyd fight. Mayweather would have the smoothness to counter and run the entire time, and Margarito would win a max of 3 rounds if they should ever meet.
1. So he should've clinched more? After doing what? 2. Yes, but you believe this barely 5'7" fighter should've attempted to get inside and clinch more. 3. Gee, I coulda sworn it was those uppercuts you mentioned in #2. 4. Up until this fight, it was lauded as part of his versatility (see: Gomez). 5. Yes.
Welcome back Ike! This is just to let everyone who read it know, that a prime Mosley would not have lost to Margarito. There is no proof whatsoever to back that. Shane never lost a fight by a guy who slugged with him, and even Cotto who beat him by 3 or 4 rds did it by boxing. I'm not going to argue with Ike about it because I know him, he's as biased against Shane and Tito as is possible. For proof you need only see how he still thinks Tito was never a great fighter even though it took the dude a decade plus to lose his first fight to a guy much higher and more natural in weight. At any rate it's good to see you back brother Ike and I hope you stick around.
Despite what happened last night, I still think Cotto, stylistically, is still the greatest threat to Floyd. Yeah, he showed suspect stamina (in the Mosley fight as well), but there's no way Floyd will be able to pressure Cotto like Margarito did. Cotto was throwing some sharp, accurate, jabs and combos in there that could keep Floyd in check and showed some good defense as well. Cotto would be able to dictate the pace, which is what he's comfortable doing. Don't write Cotto off just yet. Don't forget that for the first half of the fight, Cotto looked pretty damn impressive. He simply couldn't keep up with Margarito's pace and relentless attack and he folded - but how many fighters have the kind of chin and determination that Margarito has? In the span of 12 hours Cotto has gone from OVERRATED to UNDERRATED, but that's pretty much typical of all boxing boards.
I think the real question is...is Cotto still Cotto? The way he looked at the end, blood pouring out of his mouth. BTW, HBO went a little overboard when they showed Cotto's baby mama and kid crying like that - right after that shot. That was a bit much.
True, that fight had shades of Poo Poo vs Chico written all over it. I guess the real question is can Cotto bounce back or was his heart taken? I think a fight vs a Baldomir type fighter can expose that.
YET your boy JAWS said you had seen the light and were picking COTTO to UD Margarito...:shit:..... :notallthere: But of course you can always come in be the monday morning QB..in this case sunday morning manny steward...
if you went to another room and only listened to the fight's audio, you would have thought that Margarito never landed a punch against cotto. Lampley was crying because the surgery to remove his nose from cotto's ass, hurt like hell.
he backtracked, this is the quote from a PM i got on friday night. "I know boxing and therefore I have no logical reason to think tony will be competetive. However, I just have a feeling that Tony will pull it out. So my prediction is Margarito tko 10 or 11 Cotto quits on his stool. (ps this message yhas been approved by Double L and Lok)"
I set jaws a pm that said cotto would quit in 10. That was my prediction. EXPOSED!!!! ASK HIM.nEVER MIND READ ABOVE AND I DID NAIL. COTTO QUIT IN 11JUST NOT ON HIS STOOL .
felix trindad was not a great fighter and no where close to an all time great. His welterweight reign is a joke without a punchline. Felix Trindad lost to every A level fighter he faced and in dominate fashion.
:atu:If you were so confident in your predictions, you would have posted it publicly, not privately. My post saying Margarito TKO3 was the last post in the prediction thread.