MWS was just Noting How Sergio Martinez Seemed to CRACK Tall Paul's Chin in the 1st Fight, Hurting him UNLIKE Anybody Ever has...After what we just Saw in the RE, that Theory Makes ALOT of Sense & REED Seriously DOUBTS if Tall Paul's Punch Resistance will EVER B the Same... This Got REED to Wondering about Other Instances of a Guy Having a Seemingly Very Good or GREAT Chin, that was Suddenly "Cracked" & Never Quite the Same...The 1st Instance that Jumps to Mind is Ike Quartey vs. Jose Luis Lopez...@ 1 Point, Gil Clancy Said Quartey had "The Best Chin I've EVER Seen", yet After the Lopez Fight, Quartey was Dropped &/or Badly Hurt SEVERAL Times.... Other Instances of Very Good/Great Chins that were CRACKED???... REED:dancingBaby:
Well if Paul's punch resistance turns shitty after this, then its all downhill from here... cause dude will never learn how to avoid a punch.
Yep, Ike's chin didn't look great after that. Oh and Trinidad's plaster wraps cracked Nando's chin good. Vargas looked to have a solid enough chin before that actually.
Some guys can get KTFO and still have a good chin. Well find out if he can still take punches like he used to be able to.
Well its hard to say for me because if Norris had never fought Jackson?? Maybe he would have not suffered some of those moments he did like the first Brown fight.
Williams will STILL B in the Thick of the Jr. Middle Mix, but his Career is IRREVOCABLY Changed, in REED's Opinion...There's NOfuckingWAY he Can STILL have the Same Unwavering Belief in his Whiskers that he USED to Have... UNCERTAINTY is a Fighter's Worst Enemy, as it Pertains to Punch Resistance...Williams will PRETEND to B Unfazed & ATTEMPT to Fight as he Always has (Which will Lead to MORE Chin Checks) OR he'll B More GUNSHY, ala Roy Jones.... REED LIKES Williams & Hates to B a KneeJerk Reactor, but Given Williams' Defensive LIABILITIES, REED Thinks we've ALREADY Seen the Best of him.... REED:mj:
How Many Guys w/SHITTY Defense have Suffered 1 Punch KO Losses yet STILL Exhibited Very Good/Great Chins Afterwards????...SERIOUS Question.... REED:dunno:
Corrales post-Floyd. Afterward Corrales was noted for the punishment he could take. Casamayor knocked him down how many times in the first fight?
I don't know if this falls quite under this category of "cracked" chins, but perhaps something more like aftereffects...Jesse James Leija getting knocked out by Nelson in his first fight back from the De La Hoya beat down.
Pac was Ko'd quite brutally early in his career. He was nearly KTFO from a jab but his chin is rock solid now.
Pac was a MALNOURISHED 112 lb'der when he was KO'ed Though...That's Similar to Dela Being Dropped by 130 lb'ders, yet Showing a GREAT Chin @ Higher Weights... REED:mj:
Perhaps, but Bowe was so badly hurt in the third fight that he was there for the taking, Holyfield couldn't/wouldn't let his hands go to put the finishing touches on him....not sure if Bowe takes the punch better in '92, but who knows. Golota's just not a one-punch knockout artist, he knocked him down in the rematch and had him ready to go several times, just never came up with the punch that could do it. Again, I don't know if I'm arguing Bowe's chin was cracked, but I do think his punch resistence was diminished...and Holyfield and Golota are really the two primary fighters you can really point to for that.
Cotto's SKIN has Been TENDERIZED Post-Margarito, but REED Doesn't See a Noticeable Difference in his Punch Resistance...YEARS PRIOR to Margarito, Chop Chop Corley Hurt Cotto w/a Temple Shot & Ricardo Torres Damn Near KO'ed him... As for Mayorga, REED would Attribute his REDUCED Punch Resistance to the Beatdown from Trinidad.... REEDopcorn:
That's what happens when you put your chin on a platter for a puncher like Trinidad. :: One of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a boxing ring....right up there with Nate Campbell.
these aren't exact matches but the one punch from Rosario cracked Camacho's chin enough that it altered his whole style of fighting from that point on. also Bramble showed good toughness after getting demolished by Rosario... not one punch but an early devastating KO. Kalambay after Nunn KO1 Roberto Duran after Hearns Holyfield after Bowe 3 Emile Griffith after Rubin Carter Arthur Johnson after Mark Johnson none of those guys had shitty defense tho