Prime Patterson had possibly the quickest HW hands hands ever, excellent power but was relatively small & fragile. Does his questionable chin handle the "hayemaker"? Probably not a distance fight. I'd take the 1956 smaller Floyd to be too quick & elusive, & lands too many left hooks. Patterson by TKO round 10 as Haye slows down.
I actually think the more "mature" Patterson does even better... He'd gotten better at protecting his chin at that point even though he was no longer a champ... His comp post-championship was light years better than the flotsam he defended his titles against
Yes, Rose-Tinted because I'm such a huge Patterson fan... Haye is an athletic guy who can't box and has dodgy whiskers of his own... It is in no way outlandish to predict that the older, more careful Patterson (who was much better about protecting tha chin) could easily outsmart him and get him out of there