No one is talking about this fight around here, what gives? Anyone giving Tarver a chance this weekend?
If we ignore Tarver long enough maybe he will go away. The first fight wasn't good, Tarver lost clearly and the only reason there is a rematch is because Tarver had it in the contract. Basically, it was so clear the first time nobody cares this time.
Very unnecessary REMATCH....first one was not very good...and Dawson won it need for a rematch IMO...
If Tarver gets knocked out i'll download the fight afterward. Any other result and i have no interest in seeing it.
:: Well honestly part of it is because of Jones. Still, i've never cared all that much for Dawson and this is rematch that really provides no intrigue. If Tarver wins it doesn't do anything for boxing. He's not going to be along for much longer. If Dawson wins again by decision, it just proves this fight was meaningless.
Tarver weighed in at 172. After seeing how 1 sided the first fight was i wish i could pick Dawson. Tarver is so damn good in rematches that it makes this fight hard to pick.
Also it would seem he'd have more motivation going into it than Dawson. Tarver is seeking redemption and to certain extent legacy. Dawson is fighting because this is the best money fight he could get. That doesn't translate into a win for Tarver by any measure, but if Chad thinks it's gimme he could get surprised onto the canvas.
Dawson is fighting because of the rematch clause in the contract. I wouldn't be suprised if Dawson hit the canvas either. I still have to pick Dawson because he has better speed and conditioning.
I have seen this more than once. Old fighter overtrains to compensate for his vanishing skills and leaves the little rest in the gym. Usually ends with a midround stoppage. No way Tarver should weigh-in three pounds below the limit.
Dawson didn't "outclass" Tarver in the first fight and he won't do it in the rematch. He's just a younger, quicker, busier athlete. There isn't much more to this fight. Tarver can't compete with a guy like Dawson at his age.
Picking Dawson UD. BTW, I think if Dawson tries for a KO at any point, he gets hurt. He's not that style of fighter. If Tarver has anything, he should pick his spots and land decent single counter shots. I hate his shoe-shiny "combos" that have nothing on them, yet he always gets credit for some reason. If he tries to match Dawson's output, he's going to have a long night.
No Doubt, Dawson OUTCLASSED Tarver in the 1st Fight...He was The BETTER Fighter in Practically EVERY Regard that Night...SPEED, YOUTH, COUNTER Punching, LEADING, BODYpunching, VOLUME, RING GENERALSHIP...& Arguably POWER (On that Particular Night, Anyways)... Tarver Had NATHAN for Dawson & was Made to LOOK about 50 Years of Age, by Comparison...Dawson Probably WOULDN'T have Done TODAY's Version of Eddie Mustafa Much WORSE than he Did Tarver on that Night... But Having Said That, REED is FRIGHTFUL of Tarver's Rematch Record & his 1 Shot POP...Tarver's the ULITMATE "BuzzKill", Pugilistically Speaking...He was LISTLESS in the 1st Fight, yet he's FORCING a RE Upon the Boxing Public...NOBODY in the Boxing World Genuinely WANTS This Fight to Happen Except for Tarver's SORRY Ass...& Of Course, he FOREVER Knocked Roy Jones Jr. from his Perch:shit:... On this Note, it WOULDN'T Surprise REED @ All if Tarver SHITTED on the Momentum Dawson has Been Building...These Days, it's Pretty Diffficult to Keep "Bad" Chad OFF of your Lb for Lb List...He's CLEARLY Top 15, MORE than Likely Top 10 & Quite Possibly Slightly HIGHER...But if ANYBODY Could RUIN the Goodwill of a Potential STAR N Boxing, it'd B Tarver...REED Still Doesn't TRUST Dawson's Chin, Though he Took a Couple FLUSH Left Hands from Tarver w/Out Incident...Still, Tarver NEVER Landed the PICTURESQUE RJ Kill Shot on Dawson... The SAFE Pick is Dawson UD...REED is Personally HOPING Dawson Looks to Make a STATEMENT (Being the 1st to STOP Tarver), but there IS The Probability of Tarver's BuzzKill, Milkdud Ass KO'ing "Bad" Chad... UNfortunately... REED:kidcool:
All of those things have little to do with the relative class of each fighter and everything to do with physicality. Tarver is just old and broken.
Oh Really???... Tarver's NEVER Really Been a Bodypuncher, Good @ LEADING OR a Volume Puncher...NONE of those Particular Elements have ANYTHING to Do w/Physicality, Since Even a YOUNG, PRIME Tarver RARELY Won Fights Based on them... Chad Dawson is a "Bad" MATCHUP for Tarver, Regardless of Age... RED:kidcool:
If you can´t see that Tarver´s skills have deteriorated I don´t know what to say. Tarver has no snap on his punches, he can´t go 12 hard rounds anymore. There is no way he could outwork Glen Johnson like he did in the rematch or Dawson tonight. Tarver is 40 years old.
Great now HBO has to hype Dawson with some pre-fight piece, because they are five years late. Start the fight already. :warning: