defending the rear leg front kick.. opinions...

Discussion in 'Training & Conditioning' started by LOK, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    people with experience.. .

    so i've been training in mixed martial arts for a bit now..

    with a background of both martials arts of different types.. And boxing.. i'm very comfortable sparring especially stand up

    my question here is in regards to defending a rear leg front kick.

    my natural instinct.. which has been very effictive is to kind of parry it with my lead hand..

    as in, we are both left foot forward, my opponent shoots a rear leg front kick and i kind of slap it downward with my lead hand (left) before it lands and the jab his body hard and pivot.

    now my jab is like a right hand, i dont throw bitch ass "feeler" jabs.. i believe in jabs that do damage! i knock people's wind out with a stiff jab to solar-plex.

    so.. just in tweaking and better preparing myself, i thought what else can i do... ?

    i thought if i could time it so when i watch and see my opponent's rear foot leave the floor like a kick might come.. i could stuff it but landing a punch first!

    this seemed like a good plan but on monday when i sparred my parter was small and fast.. i had trouble with this method so instead i just caught it with my elbow.. (block) then on recoil i'd land punches.. OR.. i'd parry it down and land punches..

    to be clear, either way i'm not in trouble and i land my punches becuase i know how to move and i have fast punches..

    these guys are not good enough in stand up to really be a serious threat but i always am looking to improve.

    my best friend who is a high degree black belt in TKD advised that he uses a method that'd i could describe as a "parry" but with his foot..

    for example, you see the rear leg front kick coming, and you extend your lead leg front and kind of push his kick down like parrying it on his knee with your lead leg, i'm gonna give this a shot but another thing i'm going to try..

    i think if i just control distance very well, as in smother.. even if they are smaller than me, i can land good punches with just a few inches but the kick he trys would be smothered..


    do we even have any other people with experience?

    i know i'll get some haters and people think i bullshit.. but whatever..

    i've been training on and off my whole life, tkd, no rules MMA, shaolin kung fu, boxing..
    i'm faster than almost everyone i have faced and i'm good a timing
  2. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    side step it or do what your friend said and parry it with your leg

    cause if you keep reaching to slap my leg im eventually gonna faint the leg kick and start drilling you over the top
  3. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    How did I know that you would be the only one to know anything brother Mike? Lol
  4. Punk

    Punk "Twinkle Toes" McJack Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    Catch it under the ankle with your left hand and either drill a leg kick into his left knee or smash him with a right hand. Classic Thai move, requires you take a half step back as he kicks.
  5. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    So last night I defended by "checking it"

    Not only was it effective' I slipped an incoming right hand and threw my own rear leg front kick, I hit my opponent in the hip and he dropped in pain
  6. ArturoGatti

    ArturoGatti WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Checking it is the obvious answer, also what Punk said but like NM said if you keep reaching for it he will come up top.

    BTW, it seems liek you go way too hard if you're KO'ing your opponents in sparring. That's not cool LOK, especially because you said these guys are not high level fighters.
  7. ArturoGatti

    ArturoGatti WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 3, 2002
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    You can also step to the side (your right) instead of going back.
  8. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    We like to train hard man!! Obviously I only go hard with people that can go hard! If I spar with a lady or young guy I'm not going to ko them lol

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