Or at least prove to us and suggest to them that they should retire?? I think so. Did you see Chuck's face when Wanderlei got laid out??:doh::doh::doh:
He Got Chuck w/a Looping RIGHT Hook & Got Wanderlai w/a LEFT Hook, but REED Gets your Point::... & Yes, Chuck Looked VERY Disappointed when Rampage Won...Wanderlai BEATING Rampage would've Given Chuck a SENSE that he's Still RELEVANT N the Title Picture...But Since Rampage Won, there's Now 2 Guys (Counting Rashad)that Chuck Knows for a FACT that he CAN'T Beat... REED:hammert:
I meant after Wanderlei got KO'd, does that suggest to Chuck (since he was ringside watching) that he should retire as well.:stir: To me both Ramapge and Rashad KTFO him should prove to Chuck that he should retire. Him going life and death with Wanderlei and watching him get sparked should really make him think about calling it quits.
It's all so relative. I am sure neither Chuck or Silva will retire though they both should. Sadly both could still be in entertaining fights. However, my big fear about the Rampage win is that he will get a shot at Evans before the winner of Alves-Machida does. That would be a bit unfair.
Nobody gives a crud about Alves or Machida unfortunately. And there will hardly be any disgruntled fans crying on their behalf. Let Jackson have first shot against Evans. 2 brothas going at it! Blacks be torn on this one! :bears: Winner gets winner of Machida/Alves.
This is one of the bad things about MMA. You rack up 1-2 bad losses and your career is in ruins. Whereas if you lose an NFL game or a tennis match, Big f*ckin' deal! You'll still be playing the next day or next week like nothing happened.
You couldn't be more wrong about that. Most elite fighters have at least 1 or 2 losses on their record. TFK
Va Vai Va, baut lartha thoo, ArturoGatti! :bears: Kee hogya thenoo? Ma kosh gallat bolia? Pan choth!:flip:
Think about it this way and let me use a single comparison to make my case! Kimbo Slice! Ok, Kimbo enters MMA looking to make a career. He's already a fighter by design and wants to now be a professional. So he enters the sport of MMA under the instruction of legendary Bas Rutten. Working from the ground up, taking the right fights, etc. He's signed a big contract and is banking more money than even the most veteran of veterans. He's kicking ass all over the place and building a mystique. Now what do you know? Before he's even taken a step up in competition, he gets whacked out by some substitute who couldn't even cut it in a reality series. Suddenly......Kimbo Express has crashed and burned, the media goes wild calling him a scrub, the company loses millions, the hype has died, the fans feel jipped, etc. So what now? :dunno: MMA is a lonely world. You're alone in the cage with nobody to help you, and when you lose some fights, nobody cares about you. At least in other sports, when you're having a bad day, there will always be a next day. If Ernests Gulbis loses a tennis match, he can play the next one the very next week for the same prize money. Will Kimbo have a whole lot of fights waiting for him for the same $$$ as before? Does he have or did he have a contract guarantee where, no matter if he loses a fight, he'll still have a series of fights on his contract remaining? I think it's pretty obvious the point I'm making. MMA is a very very hard life. Many of these guys would benefit from just getting regular jobs and saving their brain cells. It's already been proven by Dana White and the UFC brass that if you lose, you're at risk of being cut from your contract. That's how their contracts work. That's how MMA works.
There will be exceptions. Brock Lesnar was making tens of millions working an insane schedule in WWE. Much of his fame and hype is thanks to the WWE. Thank goodness for him he has talent. But what happens if he gets subbed by Mir when they fight again? And what happens if Brock loses again after that? And then one more time, making 3 straight losses? Will he still have a future left in the UFC, let alone MMA? Will they still be paying him 350K per fight? Besides, I'm more referring to the majority of other fighters who are just trying to pay their gym expenses.
Forrest Griffin has lost a number of times over the past few years, and he's still a main eventer. Rampage losing hasn't hurt him. Anderson Silva has 4 losses. Eddie Alvarez rebounded from his loss to be Fighter of the Year. Penn lost to GSP and has done great since. Arlovski lost 2 of 3 to Sylvia and he's main eventing against Fedor. Losses are way less damaging in MMA than they are in boxing. TFK
You're right. That's why UFC markets it's stars like the WWE does. It has no choice because of the parity of MMA. TUF shows that with a little training people can become MMA fighters. Lesnar proves that as well. You can see major differences in fighters between training camps, more so than in boxing. I like MMA but it's clear that boxing is more of an elitist sport in regards to the competition level.
Rampage did knockout Wanderlei in the exact same fashion as Dan Henderson did in Pride, a huge left hook counter in the mix, Wandy's arms fly up in the air as he goes out cold on his back.
Good post, couldn't agree more. I would say that to become an elite MMA fighter that it takes much more than a little training, but the point is understood.