I am wondering why so few people give Rubio any chance with Pavlik, personally I think he is a very live underdog in this fight. Yes, he is slow, but so is Pavlik, and he is only an inch shorter, plus he has an inch longer reach than Pavlik, and with 37 kos in 43 wins, you know he can bang. He took out Zertuche quicker than Pavlik did, and beat a very tough Enrique Orneals to get the title shot, and displayed he is pretty damn tough and conditioned in the process. Seeing as how lesser guys like Zertuche and Zuniga gave Pavlik big problems, plus with him coming off the Hopkins beating, I think it is absurd to dismiss Rubio. He is a big veteran, middleweight who legitimatley earned his shot and if Pavlik is not at his best I think Rubio has a shot to stop him late.
Rubio will Put Up a Good Fight & Make the Bout MEMORABLE, but Pavlik's BIGGER, STRONGER, the BETTER Puncher & he'll BRUTALLY Wax Rubio in Less than 5... Rubio will B Competitive in SPOTS, but Ultimately OVERMATCHED... REED:hammert:
Ref, Rubio is going to get wiped out, and wiped out hard. I saw him at the Juan Diaz-Billy Irwin fight 4 years ago, and he is a frail matchstick compared to Pavlik. He has zero shot here, and I mean ZERO. Pavlik is a killer with the right man in front of him, and Rubio is that man, that casualty that is going to put Kelly back on the boxing map. Pavlik by brutal KO.
Marco Antonio Rubio doesn't have a chance in hell.... well....he can be competitive if.....Pavlik is psychologically fucked from the Hopkins fight....or if he struggle to make 160..after having to fight at higher weights...
I saw Rubio once and he got smoked in a few seconds of the first round. He is not fast so he wil be a sitting target. Pavlik will kill him quick!
That's pretty much Rubio's only chance to be competative whatsoever. Otherwise, Pavlik kills him, and in fairly short order. MTF
didn't he get raped badly by Jantuah? i'm not sure he's faced any bangers since then. has he? i know ornealas was no banger.
Not officially though. Didn't see the fight so I couldn't comment. But officially, he earned the shot. I think he's an easy win for Pavlik. The fight will probably go no longer than 5 rounds. Although, being a Mexican, Rubio does fight inside and if Pavlik obliges, it could be exciting while it lasts - kind of like Pavlik's fights with Zertuhe and Zuniga.
Rubio can obviously punch a bit, so that's the chance I give him. Rubio is outgunned in everything you can think of though.
Any time somebody loses their undefeated record questions arise as to their confidence and what it might do to them. Would anybody be asking what shot Rubio had before Pavlik fought Hopkins? I doubt anybody would think he had any serious chance.
Zertuche was completely washed-up when he fought Rubio. Rubio was a huge favourite with the bookies and it didn´t seem logical until Zertuche stumbled into the ring looking like he had just built his beer gut the same night. The losses to Baysangurov and Ouma look much worse in retrospective, too. Rubio is tailor-made for Pavlik, and Pavlik will bash him up quickly.
rubio sucks. since when was even considered a puncher? he briefly dropped kassim ouma but lost like 9 rounds and looked quite mediocre when he fought jc candelo. pavlik should destroy him in 3 rounds.