hahahahaha As if Mythical Matchups settle anything. 135 is Duran's best chance at victory, Floyd wins at the higher weights. Floyd aint gonna stay on the ropes and exchange leather with him the way Leonard did. Floyd may go to the ropes from time to time...but he'll be shoulder rolling, ducking, slipping and countering the fuck out of Duran in the process. In the centre of the ring, Mayweather will befuddle the Panamanian with mad skills.
Good Lawd! How is Duran going to cope with one of the best movers, defensive fighters and counter punchers in the history of the business. Tell me a time when he has defeated an opponent who was as proficient in all three categories and used those talents against him. Just one, Just one. Only one. ;)
Montreal Duran looked spectacular because Leonard stayed on the ropes and mauled with him. Inside fighting like that (very very exciting fight by the way) invariably favours the shorter fighter with shorter arms. Floyd WOULD NOT fight Duran that way. Floyd reduces the punch output of every opponent he ever faced, especially when he was prime, and would do the same to Duran. Look at Duran's punch output in the 2nd Leonard fight vs the first. very different. Why? Y'all will say that Duran was out of shape or some malarkey...the truth is....Leonard was moving and pot-shotting...therefore Duran didn't have a stationary target to hit. What makes you think Floyd wont be moving and pot-shotting? I mean come on man...be reasonable. Floyd will be check hooking Duran as he comes in...moving and jabbing, tying him up in close and still be invisible in the pocket. Not saying it would be a domination....but it would be a clear win. I give lightweight Duran the best chance....but still the styles clash favours Mayweather. yeah yeah...Castillo did this and castillo did that. There are reasons why Castillo appeared to have success.
Duran is the GOAT lightweight so of course that's his best chance. And as noted, Floyd didn't look consistently spectacular at that weight (I think because he was more injury prone at that time). but honestly, let's be honest here. List, if you will, Floyd's weaknesses. I honestly can't think of one. I would like to know what weakness you think Duran could exploit. Remember, while the reverse is obviously also true, Floyd would be the best lightweight that Duran ever faced.
Floyd's weaknesses list: 1. Chin? no 2. Stamina? no 3. Defense? no 4. Accuracy? no 5. Heart? no 6. Body punching? no 7. Adaptability? no 8. Strength? no 9. Versatility? no So what are Mayweather's weaknesses? Name one.
Floyd having a rough 6 rounds with Hatton should speak volumes on how he does against the Montreal Duran.
But it doesn't work that way as you know. Hatton and Duran have different styles....I do see where you're coming from though with this example, but still one doesn't necessarily translate to teh other. Ali easily defeated Liston, but struggled somewhat with Chuvalo. If he had never fought Liston a guy like you would have said, "Floyd having a rough few rounds with Chuvalo should speak volumes on how he does against the Liston". That's why you have to look at an entire body of work and not just one fight. Mayweather dominated Ginger, yet had a closer fight with Cotto. If Floyd had never fought Ginger, based on his fight with Cotto and Ginger's fight with Cotto most would assume that Ginger would have a chance to beat him. Mayweather made Corrales look like an amateur, yet seemed competitive with Castillo. Corrales and Castillo were evenly matched. List goes on. Duran, although very aggressive doesn't have Hatton's manic bullrushing madness. Even against Leonard in the famous Montreal fight his approach was measured until he got Leonard on the ropes and then went crazy. Hatton was just a wild man wrestler that came rushing in. Different way of fighting.
Duran wins them all.... Floyd never face anyone remotely in Duran's level....he was terrified of fighting Antonio Margarito...will he had beaten Margarito of course...but he was worried about the pressure that bum will bring...it would've been Maidana level pressure multiply by a 1,000.... So even in a mythical matchup you will have to drag Floyd into signing the contract....and what will Floyd mental will be leading up to his masscre? Duran will be saying ms. Mama mayweather a $2 dollar crack whore...calling floyd sr. a punch drunk bed wetter...and saying how he would like to bend one of Floyd's daughter over the table and give her the dirty Justin bieber...up the culo... Floyd will be drag crying and bitchinginto the ring...
Yeah, I mean he lost to Thomas Hearns at 34 after 9000 fights, the guy is like a wild card, you just never know what you're going to get!
yeah but as long as Sly can pretend that "leonard lost" rather than "Duran won", he'll never acknowledge this
word. Leonard didn't use movement, defense or counter punching. He slugged it out on the inside with the shorter, stubby armed man. It was a horrendous strategy. Like I said, if Ali had fought Marciano and used the same strategy, he would have likely lost too. Having said all that...I wouldn't change a thing regarding Leonard vs Duran...that first fight was EPIC!
Leonard got drilled into Queer Street early in the second round and by his own admission couldn't remember the rest of the fight. Stuff like that's wont to happen when you fight atgs who are under 36 the tactics Ray used in the second fight arent viable in a regular sized ring