Why even bother. There is no one on this website that would DARE pick Tszyu against the Duran....not even he that they call The Sly One.
Mex would love this. Duran gives Tszyu a one sided beating, worse than Phillips did and stop him in 8.
Duran is too good defensively... I think he consistently makes Tszyu miss and catches him clean where did MWS go??? It's like he just vanished
I am not sure. Duran is the clear favorite but prime Tszyu had a terrific right cross and was physically as strong as Duran (which is rare). If Tszyu catches Duran coming in he might discourage Duran as Tszyu can hold his own in inside humping game
Your rampant anti-Panamanian bigotry is getting out of hand ugo. This would play out like the scene in last samurai with The Duran sniggering cruelly as he cuts off tszyus silly ponytail while tszyu cowers and wails in shame and anguish
I don't know why but this reminded me of the Conan quote in response to the question "What is best in life?": "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
It is true though that DUran might be too good defensively for Tszyu. You can't hit cleanly anything that is as greasy as Duran
Duran is definitely overrated. He gets a pass for every loss he had (bad shellfish, partying too hard, clown ring, piranha bit his big toe...etc)
The Duran hath said that he wouldn't bathe before fights and that he'd keep his beard as bristly as possible. The Duran's entire totality was honed for war!
He'd have beaten Lang, Benitez and even Hearns in Mythical Matchups had he never fought them. Duran is 200-0 in Mythical Matchups. Fact is...the only great fighter Duran ever beat was Leonard, and that was just once in 3 fights and Leonard was overconfident and fought the wrong fight and even a broken clock is right twice a day. Floyd "Money" Mayweather "have" no losses. He had the uncanny ability to reduce the workrate of every guy he ever fought, including Pacquiao. He'd do the same to Duran. But of course....when it comes to Mythical Matchups, Duran was dipped in the River Styx and has a goddess for a mother.
Ok....include Corrales, Hatton, Cotto, Canelo, Castillo, Judah, De La Hoya or whoever else you want to. All great names (better than Kirkland Lang) and Floyd still "have" no losses. Like I said before..
Hideously overrated and I have no idea why. 35-15 in his last 21 years fighting, which are pretty much the only ones: a) anyone here has ever watched and b) pre-Leonard I, unless you lived in Central/South America, he was more or less unknown to anyone but the boxing-hardcore except for punching a Jock in the bollocks. Basically, he made his name with 'The Brawl In Montreal'.
word. What people don't seem to grasp is that the strength of a resume is based on BEATEN opposition. Based on that premise Mayweather and (many others) has a better resume than Duran. Duran beat Leonard (Sun-Dog's-Ass) and that's it. He split fights with DeJesus...but De Jesus himself is only a "name" because he beat Duran. He didn't beat anyone else of note. So that cancels things out. Iran Barkley? Fuck him (most people think Barkley won anyway). Davey Moore? Ken Buchanan? Don't make he that is called The Sly One laugh! Cotto, Canelo, De La Hoya alone are better than everyone on Duran's beaten opposition list, not named Leonard (again..dog sun ass). Now of course the Duran heads would act as though losing to Hearns, Benitez, Hagler should be counted on his accomplishments...as though names on the resume is what matters but not whether you've beaten them or not. Well if anyone wants to go down that road then I proclaim George Chuvalo as the greatest of all time for he fought....Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Patterson etc....