[video=youtube;M5NiavuA3CA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=M5NiavuA3CA[/video] This is a hilarious rant from Kaleisha "Wild" West blaming her financial woes on Floyd Mayweather. I see a lot of anger and self-loathing here as well as someone acting out childishly. My friend Marlen has no financial issues at all, so it seems sister West has a lot of problems, I'd say, and she needs to accept responsibility for her own actions and in-actions. Perhaps if she was a nice and humble person who would smile, she might make a few bucks here and there. Screaming and yelling by yourself in a camera mounted in your car towards brother Floyd is probably not the right route to go to improve your financial situation, West. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and watched one of her fights on youtube, but her and the other gal gassed after a couple of rounds and it was very boring to watch and resembled a slow motion sparring session as they threw one punch at a time. Needless to say; I was not impressed. As some of you guys know, I am a fan and proponent of women's boxing, but whatever point West is trying to make, she's going about it the wrong way. Ultimately; a fighter has to be held accountable for themselves and can't blame other people on their situation.
Right, LOK. It's his business what he does with his money, and if he wants to give 50 grand to a stripper, that's up to him. Why should he give it to this dame as he got his ass kicked for it? Even when you win all of your fights, you get punched around plenty, particularly in the gym workouts leading up to the fight. Just another case of someone being envious and and jealous of another person's success that has worked hard for it, and it may be the result of a severed relationship or one-night stand as well. You meet all kinds of kooks and weirdos on the internet brother, and she's definitely that.
When I ask the champions and other boxing dignitaries to come aboard in the near future, no jealous postings like the weirdo at 12:44 typed can be tolerated at all. I'll discuss the situation beforehand with the owners as it is going to have to be strictly serious boxing related content and have to be monitored to convey and present the message and image of pure boxing only without exceptions. If someone wants to act like an envious child of a 53 year old man, this cannot not be the forum to do that in. I hope the owners will see things the correct way and react and do the right thing as there can be some very important and influential folks in boxing drop in here from time to time, but there are going to have to be rules and conformity to those rules to make it happen. I'll do my part and try to go out and get them, that's for sure.
Well it won't happen then if that's the case, Nobleart. Like I said; I can do my part and go to the gyms and get them to come in, but there are going to have to be fairly strict rules as far as postings go and if someone has an issue with that, they probably don't need to be in here. There are a lot of message boards out there for people to act like a jackass on, but in order for serious fighters to come on and post there will have to be strict monitoring. I think the large majority of folks that post here will welcome the opportunity to correspond with former world champions and world title challengers, don't you?
I certainly think so Karl, I'm sure we can get the mods to keep it clean so we don't have these weirdos and degenerates posting queer stuff
Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova make more money than most male athletes. Serena is worth a couple hundred million. Sharapova has tens of millions in endorsements.
it's kind of ironic karl posted this thread, because he's the only person on this forum who gives a shit about women's boxing at all
Her rant wasn't serious. It's tongue-in-cheek like what pro wrestlers do. People who talk with their hands like that make my dick itch.
Nice skin tone...then I google the hoe and she looks like the offspring of Jose Luis Castillo and Rocky Dennis...
When I see people like here, I am reminded of Tom Cruise in BOTFOJ...that scene in the bar where they are shooting Pool, with Ronnie in his wheelchair and the Korea vet keeps butting in, and Ronnie turns to his his friend and says......"who IS this guy" :: Well...WHO ARE THESE FUCKING PEOPLE? WHy do they think we give a fuck about their stupid fucking lives? Internet and Hi Def cameras now mean every talent deficient cunt is out there demanding this and demanding that. FFS. :shit:
It's not about the fact that she's female. There are a lot of male world champions out there I don't give a shit about watching either. If she wants to make more she needs to quit bitching and try to make changes in her sport. Maybe she should try boxing in a thong and a white tee shirt as I'm sure guys will get a lot more invested as the rounds add up.
I would give her that dick, but lets be clear. If 8:00 a.m. is early for you sweatheart, you dont work just has hard as Floyd.
Hamed used to ring Brendan Ingle and tell him to come down the gym at 2Am as he wanted to train. Ingle refused. Ingle have pillows, Ingle have beds.
She seems like the kind of chick who talks mad shit to dudes on the street because she knows she could whip most of them.