Yeah, he should have tapped. That looks like it will need staples and pins to fix. Did you see the swelling right before it popped? Damn.
The guy that won was bragging about injuring an opponent. Some of these mma guys are real douchebags. Especially the hick white guys.
Yeah what a cunt, when he said I can´t tell you how long I wanted to do that, I couldn´t believe it.. :notallthere: ..but at least the other guy went out on his shield.
Damn. Swick took him out Quick. The allowing of holding of the neck and hitting needs to be addressed.
Ben Saunders looks like Kelly Pavlik. This is how his knees look:hammert:against his opponent's skull.
:: that was one of the worst beatdowns of the year, mma or boxing. did you see the lump on that guy's forehead?
Looks like he is still down. Seems he hit him with a straight right on the Adams appple before the right hand to the chin.
I just made my donation. Koshcheck made a great point, tonight's fights were definitely worth a few bucks from everyone watching. TFK
I'll donate 5 bucks like Koscheck said the KO was worth. The submission was worth 5 bucks too, so I guess 10 bucks.
I ain't donating nuttin'.:kidcool: They make enough money. That's if Dana doesn't use all the money to buy himself a spiffy new porsche to add to his 25 other porsches.::
Now that was an amazing free fight card. The arm snap. The Tim Credeur beatdown. The muay thai knee freenzy. The Swick KO. And then the main event KO. I don't know that I've ever seen a more brutal card of fights. Like TFK pointed out, I donated as well because that 3 hours was worth it. And thinking about it, I don't know that I've ever seen as picture pefect a knockout as the one Koscheck scored. If not the best, it's certainly top 10.
didnt see it but read the overviw on sherdog looks like credeur got better at the standup game, i liked credeur on the show, how did he look? im disappointed we havent seen amir fight yet btw
His stand up was kind of awkward and sloppy at times, but overall I was far more impressed by him than I ever was while he was on the show. He looked much improved.
You think the other fighters didn't notice? He just made himself a lot of enemies. Lot of guys gonna tear his asshole apart and make him JUST BLEED!!! Then we'll see how enjoyable it is. Motherf*cker's gotta die now. I went to the other mma forums and everybdy is pissed as hell and wants to see this guy JUST BLEED!!!
Hanz is right, he is a marked man now. That shit was so classless. Don't get me wrong, dude should have tapped, but to talk shit like that when that dude's arm will probably never be the same. He is a punk. Its too bad the kid has talent, and could be a force in time, but he will have to learn a lesson in humility first. I was kind of pissed Rogan didn't put him in his place for that comment, neither announcer said shit. I agree trplsec, that was one of the best cards I've seen in some time as well, top to bottom. Tim looked the best I think anyone has ever seen him. I love watching Koshchek fight. The guy has no quit in him, and looks better each time out. I know that he never would, but could you imagine Koshchek at 155?