Yes, now you can inform FightBeat on Facebook about your yummy cup of coffee or that you are feeling tired. And once a year, we'll tell you when the site is updated. Also, if the server collapses again, there's a place to get info.
I'm not sure. It's part of our extensive "Web 2.0" strategy. I think we're working on an e-mail address next.
Concur. We are also thinking of hiring a chalk artist to paint FightBeat boxing logos on sidewalks. Maybe set up a hidden pizza joint for members. A weather balloon. Limitless possibilities.
That's a top idea, I'll put it to the board. We now have 2 people who 'like' the page. Overwhelming.:hump: Daily status updates will follow - forum recaps if anything interesting is going on (unlikely), alerts to front page updates (ahahahahaha) and much, much more.:cheer:
I actually laughed out loud. I just found this site today after being recommended to join, and was looking through an article on the front page (I believe) and it said in there something about "Oscar defeating Vargas last week" and I was like "the f*ck?" lmao
I have updated the site info on the page - I would like feedback to check that this is an accurate description of events for the last 7 or so years of FightBeat
I'm so excited I'm having a hard time breathing. I gotta go outside for a walk. Talk to you guys later!
I joined. I just have the forum as my bookmark, so this way i'll get to see when front page updates happen.
It's a quality Facebook page. Unlike the front page you will get some form of daily update, even if just asking how tired you are or how good your morning coffee was. And unlike a normal front page, our Facebook page can rip off content from anywhere and just post links to everyone saying "Look, fight this weekend, read the HBO link!"
I joined. Fightbeat still has potential but it's all about content updates. We need to get rid of the Cotto/Clottey info in the main page. Seriously WTF is that still doing there???
You're bang on dude - alas we have no way of removing that crap without paying some some web punk to do it (we have no access to that bit of the page at all) - and believe me, that's on the cards. Content updates are all about feature writers, and right now we have SFA i.e. none. Hence, we've opened up the membership and have a few new members now.
I'm not fully understanding. Why don't we have access to removing old content? With Cupey selling fightbeat doesn't the new owners have full access?? Why do we have to pay someone else? Fightbeat can go toe to toe with any other boxing website IF it would use its full potential. News updates, articles, videos.
Yeah, I don't understand either. Neither does any of the new owners. None of us do. We're a bit retarded, we only bought this thing to try to keep it alive.:hump: It's a Flash thing i think. No idea where Cupey is anymore. We can basically update news and feature articles (badly) and can't change anything else, so we'll probably ditch all of that and keep it simple. Gonna have to front some $ I'm afraid.
Don't we have a few Fightbeat members here that know how to create websites? Maybe fightbeat needs to hire a few good website specialist to get this site moving forward! I guess it comes down to $$$ but its a shame to see a site with such potential go to waste.ray:
How much did you buy this site for? And also is there a youtube clip of fat little cupey counting that money in his room?
That's what we need man. We'll pay them for their trouble, but we'll get decent rates and not this extortionate crap that the commercial guys charge, it's truly nuts. Few hundred is no biggie for a quick redesign, but the commercial guys are talking about dropping $k's on the place, crazy.