Fightbeat has turned into a real professional site:bears: Good articles, good videos. videointerviews with major boxingstars:bears: Also there is also a quality forum. Well done Cupey and Jake. also the rest offcourse that has contributed to this site. Great crew! :bears: :bears: :bears:
Thank you. I think you should thank Steve_Dave for keeping the forums running smooth. Jake unfortunately works for another site, but is still a forum member here. But thanks to our friends and contributors that make this place home. Cupey
Fightbeat rocks. I love this site. Jake is still the man. And until Jake says to hook you up with cash Steve-Dave, it ain't happening!::
How much did Carlos pay you for his plug? :bears: We all think this place is great tho. Thats why we are here. Cupey and I have our differences, and 99.9 perecent of the time, i want to choke the man, but he still is the owner. Karl and I have huge differences. THe main reason is that Karl doesnt understand me. Karl thinks i am serious, but would never wish any harm on him or anyone else here. But I can still get under Karl's skin and will continue to do so. Aint that right Big Fella?
You guys are welcome.. I do what I can Long live Fightbeat!! The best boxing site in the UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still cannot get over steve_dave's ability to ingest ridiculous amounts of beer and never get intoxifaded, It's not human :nono: Andrew If you ever come back down to socal, the beers on me But leave the gloomy weather up north ::