What fighters do you recall that turned soft? When a fighter who previously had a bit of a mean streak, but then all of a sudden turned nice, or found religion, and all of a sudden turned into Mr. Nice guy. In almost all of these instances, they turned to shit. Remember when Manfredy turned from “El Diablo” to Mr. Jesus freak? Other examples?
some jesus the mongrel is turning them on and jeffy is softening them up. this site is fulla heaux meauxs
Definitely Mosley. He used to go out there and try to kill guys, and that was despite being a really nice guy outside the ring. Then late in his career he turned into Mr. Touchgloves.
Fighters get softer with age. That’s just the nature of things. Look at Ali for example...he was a mean sonofabitch in the 60s, torturing Terrel and Patterson, butchering Williams etc but then in the 70s he turned into a guy that just liked to clown around. Nigel Benn is a good example though. In the beginning he was a whirlwind of aggression. Just before the first Eubank fight he tried to be some kinda patient boxer.
Roy Jones in the 3rd Tarver fight post fight interview where he was bragging about going the distance and losing the fight was sad to see
When I say soft, I mean “nice”. As in becoming religious, smiling during the ring walk, trying to be the “good guy” boxer.
Think of Sugar Shane Mosley... Not 1nce Did He Enter a Ring NOT Looking to Be in the Best of Shape...But Clearly, After the 1st Forrest Fight, Shane was Different...NICER...More CONCERNED w/His Own Well Being... REED
Mosley was touching gloves a million times with delahoya in their first fight and that was prior to him losing to forrest. He was hot and cold once he left lightweight, where he looked mean as fuck. i think it had more to do with facing guys his own size.
True, but Shane Didn't Look as MEEK When he Did It Then...The TIMING Was Different, Pre-Forrest... Before, Shane's Glove Touches Said "My Bad for that Low Blow" or "Sorry for Punching on the Break"...Yet, in the Midst of Forrest I, Shane Appeared to Be Glove Touching for SYMPATHY, for MERCY from His Conqueror...Like he was Saying "Hey Man, We're Cool, Ease Up a Bit".... Like Pacquiao, Sugar Shane's Always Exhibited Sportsmanship...He's Glove Touched from Day 1...But the TIMING of his Glove Touching Definitely Changed After Forrest I...You Don't Glove Touch a Motherfucker that's Whipping Your Ass; You Just Don't... REED