Not sure if a topic had been started about this yet or not...>1=10035
That isn't what he used to claim on the HBO telecasts whenever it was brought up. He always said, something like "Ali did the ropeadope, and I was the dope". The way he always said it and having a big smile he always seemed to me like he was just happy to have been part of that historical moment. It's a shame to hear him saying this now.
dsimon writes: It isn't outside the rhealm of possability. Also, what if George did think he had been drugged? what would be the best way to give an account?
alot of thing went against Foreman in that fight i thought he was finished making excuses for it long ago though :dunno: ________ COACH PURSES
Agreed. That means Foreman retained his title which he lost in 1977 to Jimmy Young, who became the undisputed champ :bears: Ali was never the world champ after 1967
I don't know... if I were drugged like George I would want people to take my word for it too. I say give him the benifit of the doubt, and overturn one of the greatest sport moments of the 20th century. :dunno:
TRUE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE LINEAGE!!! Foreman Young Ken Norton Larry Holmes After that it's the same. I was kind of hoping it would be crazier.
Foreman's such an arsehole - slack ropes, drugs, dodgy water. He was claiming this since 1974 right up until the early-to-mid 90s when he then said he was wrong and he really was beaten by the better man - now he's claiming he was drugged again? Twat should stick to BBQ grills - that's all he's good for. The guy is a jerk - Ron Lyle owned his ass, too. :bears:
For all the talk about how he "finally accepted the loss", he still in his autobiography (released in the 90s) talked a lot about the possibility of being drugged. Still, my favorite excuse is when he said he was about to KO Ali but was distracted in the audience by seeing his friend betray him by rooting for Ali.
dsimon writes: Well the jerk, who is pathetically only good for a few things in his life seems to have done pretty good at those things. his grills are top notch, he has made millions on them. He is a HOffer heavyweight. We should all be such fuck ups! George thinks he was tampered with. Maybe he was. Do you know he was not? Can you vouch for the water he was drinking? Maybe someone did fuck with the ropes, the water, etc. It is a possability.
As well as.... The ropes were made loose deliberately It was a short count Ali was hypnotized He (George) was overtrained The cut affected him He ate bad oysters
Being distracted in the audience by a disloyal friend when he was ready to knock Ali out is the best one of all.
George Foreman says stuff on-air that makes FightBeat Forum posters stuff pretty credible. :nono: Now, if only I can find that thread....
dsimon writes: Ohh you guys!! please! George is being tongue in cheek half the time. He probably feels like somoene tried to sabatoge him. When one listens to George's commentary it is a fine art figuring out when he is pulling your leg and when he is serious. I am still trying to figure out if he truly believes he can reanimate Tyson.:: Just don't forget bitches this is a guy who said he could win the championship at an advanced age and did it against a damn good fighter in spectacular fashion!!:nono: :clap: ... and nobody took him seriously then either. I am not capping on Sly when I say that George has what is known as horse sense.... a sort of folk wisdom combined with philosophy.
Which was the quote when he suggested Fighter A was intimidated by Fighter B cos he 'looked wider'...or something? :dunno:
REED Can't Recall the Fighter,but George was Referencing his "Intimidating SHOULDERS":laughing: It Might've been DeLa REED
During Shane Mosley-Adrian Stone: "He's got those leopard trunks and it throws you right off and messes with your eye sight" We all know body punches are important, but I'm still convinced that Foreman over-emphasizing it and going nuts over it is still him justifying his pitiful game plan in Zaire. "Oh my god, Holyfield jabbed Lewis in the chest!! In a couple of rounds Lewis is gonna fall!"