What a cunt, literally and metaphorically, and now, metamorphCALLY I have to say this is most amusing.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3666155.stm Gay Conservatives have called on the UK Independence Party to sack their London mayoral candidate over his "homophobic" comments.Frank Maloney said he would not be campaigning in the borough of Camden because there are "too many gays". His claims prompted the Gay Tories to brand him a "dangerous extremist" who "should resign or be sacked". But Mr Maloney defended his remarks: "I don't want to campaign around gays...I don't think they do a lot for society." Holding hands The row blew up after the boxing promoter gave an interview to the Hampstead & Highgate Express in which he made a number of remarks about the gay community. He said while he did not have a problem with a lot of parades in London, "there is a problem with gay parades".
Hopefully this is something that he has seriously wanted to do, in which case, all the best for 'her'. As a promoter he sucks but I don't wish anything bad for him However, at that age and with his background, this seems more like he has gone insane
Um, is this a joke? Surely this can't be real. If it is real, I can't believe that vile little worm has become a "woman" :atu: I guess it makes sense now why him and Big Lemmon were so close.
http://www.ottawasun.com/2014/08/10/lennox-lewiss-former-manager-frank-maloney-undergoing-sex-change Man, I read this a second ago and couldn't believe it. I still can't.
Neither can I. In many ways, it feels like one big huge joke. See the link I posted about his anti-gay past. This HAS to be a send up. It just has to be.
I got that feeling too. Hard-charging, immigrant-hating, gay-bashing little-Englander turns out to not only be NOT GAY but NOT GAY BY WAY OF WOMANHOOD. Its a send up. Too good to be true.
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